Monday, October 28, 2013

E-mail 10/28/2013

Dear Familia,

Sorry I didn´t email last week, well just simply we didn´t have enough time. 
These last two weeks have been interesting, first a couple of weeks ago, (I think I already mentioned this part but I will do it again) well first to explain a little; here just about every one sells stuff, some people sell like stores in the US, others sell from their front door and others sell by driving around and honking or other noises and on bikes too.  Well my comp. bought something from one of the ones from a door and after he asked where were our meetings Sunday, and so we asked him if he wanted to hear more about the church and so that started our lessons with him, but on our second visit ( he had gone to church the Sunday before the second visit) after we finished the lesson he asked us what he need to do to be baptized, we had to restrain from jumping in the air for joy and we explained what he needed to do.
Well this week the cambios (changes) came and to our shock both me and Elder Paczka are still here, this will be our third cambio together and then the next cambio is when they will divide this area, so they will probably put one Elder with me in one area and another Elder with Elder Paczka in the other and we both might train because we will be receiving a lot of new missionaries this next cambio, so I will probably be here for 2-3 more cambios.

Love you all!
Elder Durrant

Monday, October 14, 2013

E-mail 10/14/2013


Sorry this will be a short one too, but this week has been awesome, we had four baptisms.  We combined with the hermanas (sisters) who had two baptisms, so six in total. I baptized two, it was a lot different this time, I felt the spirit this time.  And we had a priest in the branch baptize the other two.  This area is greatly blessed of the Lord, we get new investigators regularly, and we are beating a ward with attendance.  And we had interviews with the pres. of the mission and he said when they build the chapel I can go see it, because I will be in a different area by the time they start.

Well sorry for two short letters in a row but maybe next week will be better.
Love you all!
Elder Durrant

Monday, October 7, 2013

E-mail 10/07/2013


Well this week, me and my companion have worked a lot, we have received 6 new investigators in one day.  It has been an amazing week.  But as for General Conference, well it was a lot different then at home.  Well being missionaries we couldn´t watch in our house, but we watched it in the CdeO (church) and it was in Spanish.  Well I learned a few interesting things from watching in Spanish, first it´s not the same hearing it in a different voice and that Elder Scott speaks Spanish, they recorded his voice and then played it in Spanish during his talk.
Well this is kind of a short e-mail but I have to go.

Love you all
Elder Durrant