Monday, March 9, 2015

E-mail 03/09/2015

Wow, it´s been a busy week. I can´t believe how fast the time goes by, with all the stuff that we have to do.  The meeting with pres. was really good, then there was the zone meeting; it went really well too.  I also had a surprise this week, when we were picking up all the supplies for the missionaries and their letters and packages, and come to find out I found a letter in the stack with my name on it, a Christmas card from Shari! Really fast shipping, I mean it made it nine months before Christmas!
But the work is coming along nicely, we had five investigators go to church this week and two of them have a baptismal date.  Then we got another reference from a member that we will go visit as soon as we have time in the morning.  We are working with other people and have two others that say they will go to church this week.  Luckily we set it up so that we wouldn´t have to do anything this last week of the transfer, so now we are done with all the meetings and intercambios.  I did have to take a pill called vermox, it gets rid of the amibas and lombrices en el estomago (amoebas and worms in the stomach) but that´s a story for another day.
Today we went bowling and I got two strikes in a row, then we went to a place that had a bunch of statues of comic heroes.  I sent some pics.
Unfortunately I don´t think I will have time to write next week,  I will be busy with other things. but I´ll just have to make up for it next time. Maybe one day you´ll forgive me. :)
Les amo
Elder Durrant

Monday, March 2, 2015

E-mail 03/02/2015

Wow the weeks just disappear like nothing!  Well first we had intercambios with the assistants, I stay with Elder Torgensen and Elder Condie went over to Jesus Maria.  Then they told us that we would be watching Conozca los Mormones (Meet the Mormons) as a mission, it was awesome and funny at the beginning.  It also came out in the theaters here on Friday, so hopefully it´ll help the work here.   We also had the zone conference with President, and the assistants came so we almost didn´t have to do anything.  Also, my comp got sick, but he got better!  Right now we are teaching a young adult (I think I mentioned him before) but he is way awesome, he studies and understands everything.  Sometimes he asks some weird questions, but that´s okay, we answer them all.   We have been getting a lot of references from the members, and we have had a member with us almost every day this last week, so things are moving along.  There are a lot of people that I hope will get baptized in the future.
Today we went to cerro de muerte, (hill of death) we climbed up his foot, it was funny.  It was fun, we went with some members. I´ll send some pics.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

Take care of your life, use the bridge
Picture of the zone