Monday, January 27, 2014

E-mail 01/27/2014

Well life is never boring, that´s for sure.
I think I am getting the hang of this area, there are sooo many things to do. The Elders were working on moving to another house, because this one sucks, but they didn´t finish before the cambios (changes) so we have been working on that almost all week, but we managed to get it worked out.  So we have been spending this morning packing and cleaning, so when we finish e-mailing we will move into the new house.  It is an awesome house, it has a card to open the door!  It is the nicest house I have seen in the mission, but I´ll just be glad to get everything done so we can focus on work. 

As for the area itself, it´s a lot smaller then Río Grande so we don´t have to walk as much, yes!  There haven´t been a lot of baptisms in this ward, but we hope to change that.  And from what I have heard their are about 300 members in this ward but only about 50 attend church on Sundays.  So we will be working on getting more members reactivated with a testimony that lasts forever and new members with testimony that never runs out. 

I think our zone is almost to the point of splitting because we have four districts, but they're all small with 2-3 sets of missionaries, the only district with two sets of Elders are in Rio Grande because it is a lot of effort to go back and forth between Rio Grande and Fresnillo, all the other districts have 3 sets of missionaries.

So that how things are going here.

¡Les amo!   (I love you!)
Elder Durrant

Monday, January 20, 2014

E-mail 01/20/2014

WOW!!! this week has been full. I don´t even know where to start.
Between sending an Elder home, dividing an area, and taking care of a baptism, and to top it off, we had two intercambios; (exchanges) one so the zone leaders could see the new house, and the other so the district leader could do an interview for the baptism.  So we were working on renting a house for the new area and well we didn´t finish with that, because we haven´t received the money from the office.  I felt kinda bad for Elder Risueño because he wasn´t able to work in his area his last day to work.  When they got back the next day, we had the baptism and then went straight to Fresnillo.  We were able to do the baptism in the river this time, there is this place where the water is heated, so we went there.  Then while we were in Fresnillo, they had three baptisms and there were five Elders from our zone. We had to group up for Sunday, I went with an elder in the area Las Americas, it was so weird to be in a chapel again, and I had to tell everyone that I was only there until Monday.  Then later in the day we were waiting to find out who our new companions were, and well they finally called, it was so funny because my District leader said that I had cambios (changes) and then said that I would never guess were, that´s when he told me that I was going to Las Americas.  Well I didn´t believe him at first, but he reassured me that he wasn´t joking with me.  So I had to go back to Rio Grande to get my stuff and then go back to Fresnillo.  Well I have no idea what I am going to tell the members when I come back another Sunday.  LOL oh and I don´t think I told you that Elder Moncur was here too but he went home this cambio (change) and well I basically took his place.
So that´s my week hope you got a good laugh out of this week.
¡Les amo!   (I love you!)
Elder Durrant

Monday, January 13, 2014

E-mail 01/13/2014

WOW! what a week.  Well, first off we will hopefully have a baptism this week, maybe two.  The other just needs to get married still and well, we have had complications, but we are working on that.
The second thing was that we had a zone conference this week in Zacatacas with pres. and well they planched (chastised) us hard.  In Rio Grande we had 25 lessons this week, but they were asking for 40, so we are working hard to ask for more references from every one we are visiting, and just about every one we can.  Oh and this next week we will be dividing the area, so we have been searching for a house to rent, and with my companion leaving this week too, we are packed with work.  We have to do an intercambio (exchange) with the zone leaders so they can check the house and with the district leader so he can do the interviews. So hopefully we can do everything this week. 
Something cool that happened when we returned from Zacatacas, we decided to take a taxi to our house and it just so happened to be one of our investigators, he just started that week, so we got to chat with him on the ride home.

Les amo  (I love them)
Elder Durrant

Monday, January 6, 2014

E-mail 01/06/2014

Well I celebrated new year´s eve in my bed, snoring.  Well we didn´t get those baptisms this week, we had to reschedule them for next week, we hope to have more then just two this next time.  We are working and working and working some more.  We are trying to have a good start when those other two missionaries come.  We are searching for a house for them, we found this really big apartment, with three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and a really big room, I don´t remember what it´s called in English, it´s like a den or something, so we might move in too, but we are still searching.  Oh and it´s close to a hermana (sister) with a washing machine :) 
Oh and I was in a car crash this week too, we went to the hospital and everything.  No, I´m just kidding, but what happened was we had intercambios (I don´t remember how to say that in English) and I went to Fresnillo, the house was far away so we took a taxi and while we were at the light the car jerked forward, at first I thought it was the engine, but it was too strong, so when I looked back there was a truck up to the back of the taxi, it just so happened that there was a cop stopped at the light too.  So we pulled over to the side, but there wasn´t any damage, so we moved along.
And well my comp is very trunky!  With less then two weeks to go, I can´t what for him to go, just because he is making me trunky too.  He doesn´t let it get in the way of work, but he talks about something to do with his house all the time. 

¡Les amo! (Love you all)
Elder Durrant