Monday, July 28, 2014

E-mail 07/28/2014

Wow the weeks just pass by so fast, we are finding more and more people every week. As we hold fast to contacting 50 every week, we find a few people that can progress. The sad part about teaching more people, is you have to drop some along the way so that other missionaries can pick them up again later.  But it also means we are finding more really good people. We are still working on getting them to church, but hopefully we can accomplish that this week.  One of the people we found, he actually told us that he wasn´t Interested, but that his wife might be, so we went to talk to her and she asked us to visit with her husband.  So we set an appointment and when we went and taught part of the resuscitation, we only taught part of it because we have five weeks to visit with them before they can get baptized, so they have asked us to do it that way.  When we finished explaining the part about Christ, she asked, so which is the true church, because I want to be in that church.  We went ahead and taught about Joseph smith, and we invited them to be baptized and she accepted, but he was still unsure, he wants to try and find out if it is true.  Moments like this makes the mission worthwhile, but it doesn´t always happen and you have to work for it and that´s what makes the difference.

Les amo!
Elder Durrant

Monday, July 21, 2014

E-mail 07/21/2014

Well this week we had a zone conference with Pres. it was awesome.  We focused on chapter 10 in Preach My Gospel and he had all the DL sit up front, so he could ask some questions.  Luckily they weren`t too hard.  He also showed us a graph of the averages of our mission with the one for Mexico and for Latin countries.  On some things we are doing good like keeping our converts going to church, but on other things we aren`t doing so well, so we are going to improve.
As for how the work is going along, well in my district it`s improving a lot, but as for my area, not so much.  Sometime I feel like the harder I try the hard it gets, but that would be how the Lord teaches us patience and endurance.  It did start to pickup a little Saturday, we found some new people and invited them to be baptized but none of them went to church.  We will be bringing a member with us next lesson for one family that we taught, they seem really good, her mom died so we started off with the plan of salvation.  We are also teaching a family of 8 kids, but they are very catholic, but we hope to help them.
At church we had a bunch of people this week, we also had someone from the stake speak on temple work.  We found out later that he will be with us for a while to help the Melchizedek Priesthood progress, and he told us that he was a mission Pres. in Tijuana and that he knew Pres. Villarreal.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

Monday, July 14, 2014

E-mail 07/14/2014

Well schools out and the world cup finished up, so we didn`t find a lot of people in their homes.  We had 50 contacts this week, so we hope to get things moving.  This is actually the lowest baptizing mission in Mexico, but we are working our hardest to change that, we will see what this next week brings. We had a really weird and funny contact, there was a teenager walking by us, and I said good evening, and all of a sudden he stops and says hi I`m Jonathon.  A little confused I asked what he was up to, and he said that he was going to the store.  Well we assumed that he wanted to talk to us so we contacted him and then he went with his girlfriend and not the store. LOL.
Well I don`t remember if I mentioned it before or not, so I`ll just do it again. I finished the Book of Mormon in Spanish a couple of weeks ago.  It`s interesting to think of how much I understood before and now.  I can almost get the same out of it as English, it`s still not the same though.  Also I was studying about faith and hope, because I always get confused and reading in PMG they sounded the same, but after studying it some more I think I figured out what the difference is.  But I`m interesting to hear your thoughts on it.  I`m sure that would be a good Sunday discussion.
Oh and I almost forgot, they changed the districts and made a new one, so now there are three areas in my district, us and two comp. of hermanas, so me and my comp. are the only elders in my district :( so this will be interesting, but that`s ok because Hermanas usually work hard.
les Amo
Elder Durrant

Monday, July 7, 2014

E-mail 07/07/2014

Well this week, I got a call from the Zone Leaders Tuesday night. They said that they wanted to try to have all the DLs and them reach 50 street contacts this week, so that we could in turn tell our districts this week that we reached the goal and that they can do it too.  They also told me that they would check up on us every night, so one day we didn`t contact much so in a half an hour we got 11, but on Friday we only had 28 contacts.  So Saturday we went to work while trying to get some lessons too, and we had 25, so we reached the goal.  It would be nice if we could go tracting, but we can`t.
We also had transfers today, and neither of us left, but it was funny because a hermana that`s been in Sauzalito 2 for 6 months which was her first area, she got transferred to Retornos 2.  She will be opening the area, but what is funny is it is in my district, so she didn`t go very far.  Since we have a new area, I have 5 areas in my district, with three companionship's of hermanas and one of Elders and us, so I will be extra busy this next few weeks.
It must of been an off week here in Mexico because we got to church Sunday about 15 min before it was suppose to start, but the building was closed up so we called up the bishop and he was just turning the corner.  When we started the sacrament services their were about 20 people there.  We were happy because most were from our area.  We even and some come in later on, but in total we had 6 less actives come. so we were happy.  We just need to get our investigators to go to church. 
Les Amo
Elder Durrant