Monday, July 21, 2014

E-mail 07/21/2014

Well this week we had a zone conference with Pres. it was awesome.  We focused on chapter 10 in Preach My Gospel and he had all the DL sit up front, so he could ask some questions.  Luckily they weren`t too hard.  He also showed us a graph of the averages of our mission with the one for Mexico and for Latin countries.  On some things we are doing good like keeping our converts going to church, but on other things we aren`t doing so well, so we are going to improve.
As for how the work is going along, well in my district it`s improving a lot, but as for my area, not so much.  Sometime I feel like the harder I try the hard it gets, but that would be how the Lord teaches us patience and endurance.  It did start to pickup a little Saturday, we found some new people and invited them to be baptized but none of them went to church.  We will be bringing a member with us next lesson for one family that we taught, they seem really good, her mom died so we started off with the plan of salvation.  We are also teaching a family of 8 kids, but they are very catholic, but we hope to help them.
At church we had a bunch of people this week, we also had someone from the stake speak on temple work.  We found out later that he will be with us for a while to help the Melchizedek Priesthood progress, and he told us that he was a mission Pres. in Tijuana and that he knew Pres. Villarreal.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

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