Monday, November 24, 2014

E-mail 11/24/2014

Well we finally managed to move into the new house.  I really like the place, it´s one of the nicest places I´ve had in the mission.  But it gets really dark at night in there when we turn of the lights.  My poor companion ended up with a companion like me.  So while he was brushing his teeth, I went and closed the door to the room, so he thought I was in there and then I hide in the other room.  He finished brushing his teeth and turned off the light and he told me that he thought about some scary movies.  When he got to the door he heard my feet behind him and started freaking out because he thought I was in the other room, so he thought that I was someone else that got into the house.  So when I got to him and made a sound, I think he almost had a heart attack.  So that´s me abusing my companions.
But as far as work is coming along, we didn´t get that much done because of taking care of the problems with the house, but that´s all taken care of.   Saturday we went out to San Gerardo and went by foot.  It took us about an hour and a half to find the reference they gave us, but it is super nice out there, and the place has only privet communities.  So it´d be like what they say here "bien fresa" but I´m not sure how to translate that.  I know what it means I just can´t think of the exact meaning in English.  Basically it means a rich or nice looking place, and it was out in the middle of no were.  But we did find out which bus goes by, so we took it on the way back.
Well there's not much more that happened this week, but I´ll send some pics.
Les amo 
Elder Durrant


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