Monday, January 19, 2015

E-mail 01/19/2015

Well I hope you get all the pics.  The first one, if you hadn´t noticed is Elder Domgaard.  We were visiting a RM from the mission Leon and he showed us the pics from the time he was in the mission field and I noticed his name, so maybe you can ask him if he knew an Elder Mil.  Plus we went to Centro to see all the cool sites, and when we got back Elder Condie was tired, so he rested his eyes for a bit.  So did Elder Gutierrez, but I didn´t get a pic of him before he woke up.
Well we are getting a lot done so that is something good.  We are doing intercambios with the district leaders, I went to the other area last week, so this time Elder Condie will go and I get to stay.  Right now we are teaching a family that members are having us teach in their home. (I can´t remember if I mentioned them last week or not) but she just had a baby about a week ago, so they haven´t gone to church, but they are excited to go this next week. They read everything we give them and the members are active in helping them understand the doctrine.  We have another young man that is listening to us in the house of his girlfriend, so we were worried that he was just doing it to marry her, but we had a talk with him and placed a baptismal date.  There is also a less active family that the kids want to be baptized so we are trying to get the whole family to go, but this last Sunday only the father and son went, but in general things are moving along and we are getting a lot of member involvement.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

Elder Nate Domgaard is the grandson of our old bishop in our ward. 
The kids called them Grandma and Grandpa Domgaard.

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