Monday, February 16, 2015

E-mail 02/16/2015

Well there´s not that much that has happened this week.  We are working to find new people so that we can keep the area progressing.  We have new ward missionaries, so this week we´ll put them to work helping us keep up with everyone.  We have a family that is close to getting baptized, the only problem is that we can only visit them once a week.  We usually teach part of the lesson and visit more often, but in this case we are teaching the full lessons, it takes some getting use to, but we will see how it goes.  We were going to teach them about the restoration first, but seeing as their questions were more about the plan of salvation so we tough that and answered all their questions.
Well this next three weeks are going to be busy. First this next week we have two intercambios with the district leaders, because we won´t have time later.  Then we have zone conference and a intercambio with the assistants the following week, and the last week we have all those meetings again, planing for the zone, consejo de líderes (council leaders) and zone meeting, so we will see how much we can get done this next few weeks.
well Valentine's Day was kinda boring, everyone was gone, but in the morning a family brought us some atole (atole is a hot Mexican drink) and sugar cookies, they were good.
We also found a short cut though a desert, for some reason or other they haven´t built houses there but all around it. So we just cut though the desert to get to the other side, it´s awesome, I love short cuts like that.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

We found this road sign out in the middle of no were.
Where I took the pic, there is a road and on the other side
there are houses and everything.

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