Monday, May 27, 2013

E-mail 05/27/2013

Sorry my email was so short last week, had to cut things short for a meeting.
But Mexico is not that different, it seems a little run down, but that´s because no one wants to work out side, but the inside of houses aren´t that much different.   I´m not sure what you want to know, so email any questions you have, but keep in mind there are some questions I can´t answer as a missionary.  The people aren´t that different, of course I don´t understand most of them, but everyone here either knows or is learning English, which surprised me. But my coming to this area has spurred people to learn more, so they can communicate with me. 

I am currently in the Jesus Maria area of Aguascalientes City and the rumors are true.  The mission is splitting at the end of my first transfer, so unless something out of the ordinary happens then I will be in the Aguascalientes Mission.  In fact the new mission office is in my area.  So in four weeks the address for my mission is changing, but until then it´ll be the Leon Mission.  

My companion is Elder Osorio, he understands English, just doesn´t speak any of it, so most of the time I´m just nodding my head and saying okay, and just follow along.  Now that it´s been two weeks I´m starting to understand him, but I only get the basics.  Elder Christoffersen came last week and spoke to us, don´t ask me what he said (he speaks fluent Spanish) but we took a picture with him as a whole mission and then got to shake his hand, tell him our name, and tell him where we are from.  When I did it, he told me he´s from Sandy.  Me and three other elders came to Leon from my district, Elder Mickelsen will be in the other mission and the rest will be in the Aguascalientes Mission.  In fact Elder Rice is in the zone next to mine, there are two zones in the AC city and we got together today and played soccer.  

Well I guess what you are probably wondering is what the food is like down here, well first off it´s nothing like Taco Bell (but you already knew that).  At first it was a shock to the system, but I´m starting to like it.   I was shocked to find that they had sweet in their vocabulary, but I think it´s a foreign concept.   It´s actually really good, but the grossest thing I´ve tasted here, a member here has an Herbalife shop and  she gives us some all the time, have I ever told you how much I hate artificial health food!  But the only thing that comperes is, well I didn´t know what it was at the time, but it felt like I was eating rubber. (Mom should probably stop listening at this point).  It was pig skin, it doesn´t taste that bad, it just doesn´t feel right.  The hard part isn´t eating the food it´s smiling while eating it.   Oh I was so thankful, the members take turns feeding us for lunch and Friday the brother that feed us, took us to Carl´s Jr and bought us two each, one for now and one for later.  Oh it felt so good to eat something normal.  
And yes I got Montezuma's revenge it hit about Friday. it was horrible.  I think it´s past, for now. 
One of the things I´ve had a hard time adjusting to is hugging, yes you heard right, hugging. First they shake hands starting from the bird and then sliding into a hand shake and then they hug with the head bent to your right shoulder, pat the back twice and then shake hands again.  It took me three try´s to get it right.  On the second try, I smacked faces with another elder.   Well let´s just say I haven´t lived that one down yet.
Well last week while I was reading your letter, I was shocked to hear that Dad is in the YM. Even if it´s just the secretary, (they're just easing him into the president :p )
Love Elder Durrant

Que Dios le acompoñie

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