Monday, June 24, 2013

E-mail 06/24/2013

Wow this week has been busy! I started to write out the airport story, but didn't finish. so maybe next week. as for this week, first thing was Tuesday. I was blessed with the interpretation of tongues, I was able to understand what was going on, I didn´t understand completely, just enough to understand what was going on. I was able to teach and ask questions and understand what they were saying, so I could respond to them, but then the next day I had a harder time understanding people.  Friday we spent the afternoon with the mission pres. and his family.  They gave talks and if I understood right, one of their daughters got her call.  Then we got some pics with them and they gave us a temple recommend holder with a message from them and the pic of the temple assigned to this area and they gave us a pic of them with their contact info.  Then me and my companion went with the mission pres. to work out the paper work for our new house.  We didn't get home till 11, but I guess it was alright since we were with the pres. then for Saturday morning we went to go see the new house.  It's about twice the size of the old house and it has one of the biggest backyards I've seen here!  It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs and a main room, kitchen, office room and a half bath downstairs.  The thing is, two other sets of missionaries are moving in with us.  We also found out our area is being split into thirds.  Well we spent most of the day packing and moving the stuff to the new house.  We moved only about two miles away,  the mission per-authorized us to borrow one of the members trucks.  It was in the zone leaders area, so they brought it over and helped us move.  We took turns driving, but I didn't dare to, but when my companion drove, well lets just say I appreciate the taxi drivers more.  I was glad when we were done, I never want to get in that truck again.  Then we helped some other missionaries with an activity of the tree of life, where we blindfolded a bunch of people and lead them out side where we tied a string to chairs and they had to make their way to the right side, and we divided into two groups.  One set tried to lead them away and the other tried to lead them to it.  It was very difficult.  I lead this one girl to the rope 5 times and she left it every time.  Then  Sunday we helped with a baptism and then waited for the call for changes.  Every companionship changed except for mine.  Even the hermana (sister)  who was training a hermana that came the day before me, was changed to the sister training leader.  Two hermanas are coming in, that is training another Hermana, so now she has to train two Hermanas. And I found out that one of the sets of missionaries that are moving in with us are the assistants to the pres., so I get to live with the assistants.  But me and my companion get Jesus Maria 1 and they get Jesus Maria 2, we don´t know who is going to Jesus Maria 3 yet.  And then we watched the broadcast for mission presidents, I was able to watch it in English.  It was awesome!!  And then we took pictures with the zone.  As for today we have been cleaning up the house.  It´s amazing how much junk missionaries collect over the years!  And while I´m writing this to you a storm hit and it´s raining really hard. I actually heard a docent boom from the thunder.
love Elder Durrant

      Que Dios le acompañe  (God be with you)

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