Monday, July 1, 2013

E-mail 07-01-2013


Well I haven`t had time to finish the story, I'm building up so much anticipation that when you finally get it, you will be like. What! that`s it?
But as for these week, well it bugged me and I`ll tell you why.
First it started when I found dos cucarachas (two cockroaches) in the downstairs bathroom.  I just closed the door, because I really didn`t want to climb into a tight space and try to kill them.  But Tuesday morning I was picking out a tie to wear, I picked one up and for some reason it felt a little heavier, but I went a head to put it on, and while I did that a cucaracha fell to the floor, then scurried off into the closet.  So I had to pull out all the stuff in the closet. then it ran under my bed, under my luggage. I was finally able to get it with my shoe and I thought it was dead, so I went and got the dust pan and broom, but when I came back it was gone.  It went under my luggage again, but it was easier to get this time, because it was injured, those things are fast!  Then I swept it up and though it outside for the birds.  So it took me about 20 minutes to kill the thing, then I killed the other one in the bathroom. Then a couple days later we were moving our gas to the new house, so we could have hot showers again. :)
Well we did that, someone warned me about black widow in the bottom of the gas tank.  The gas tank was heavy, when we bought it, one guy cared it in, he made it look light.  But it took two of us to carry it.  After that, I checked the bathroom again for cucarachas, and there was a black widow in there. It hide under the tank, so we tried to flush it out with water, but the next day it was still there.  I hit it with water before it could hide, I even got a picture of it before we finished it.  Then I taped the window so no more bugs could get in. I had a feeling to check inside the tank, and sure enough there was another cucaracha.  I`m not sure I`m ready to use that bathroom yet.  To top it off I got 20 mosquito bites in one night, I itched so bad I woke up in the middle of the night. So the next  day I bought this thing that plugs into the wall, it keeps them away, and it worked, yes!
Well the new president came this week and I got to meet him Sunday, because he came to church. My area got split three ways, I don`t have any more time, so I will explain more later.

Elder Durrant

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