Monday, July 15, 2013

E-mail 07-15-2013

Wow this has been a week! I`m not even sure where it went, it feels like yesterday I was just emailing.  Well Samuel if your wondering what I did on your birthday, well a lot of sitting around. We have our district meetings on Tuesday mornings and that lasts from 10 to 2, then we go to a members house for food then we went to the hermana`s house to be with them while someone came and fixed their water, because my companion is the DL.  It was suppose to be for only an hour or two, but we wound-up going straight home afterwards and he still didn`t finish.  Then the next day we did a lot of walking because the bus routes have been temperately changed, because a carnival came to town.  Actually I think it might be an annual thing, but it`ll be here throughout this whole next week, so it`ll be interesting.  Then the next day we went early in the morning to the Hermana`s house again, and we studied while the guy worked. Once again it was supposed to be only till noon but we didn`t leave the house till 5:30 then the next day we actually got a fair amount of work in. We were looking for old investigators, because, with our area split in thirds we lost some of our investigators, so we have to find some more now.  I also was able to do my first successful contact.  We were asking for directions to this one house from a lady carrying two five gallon buckets full of garbage to the dumpster.  Something about Mexico, is each house doesn`t have garbage cans, it just has dumpsters placed in areas.  So while my companion asked for directions and also contacted her.  I took the buckets to the garbage can. Someone driving by stopped to thank me for my service, he spoke enough English that we could talk.  He said that he has read about the Mormons and the missionaries, so I asked him if he wanted to know more.  At first he said no, but when I asked if he knew anyone we could talk to he gave us his address. Then the next day I went on splits with one of the sec. my companion went with the other in their area, so they could get to know it better, so I had to lead in our area, that was tough.  It was with other elder that Elder Osorio trained, but he speaks English, so that wasn`t so bad.  But at one point we made a wrong turn and had to walk cut though the housing areas to get to our destination.  Then Sunday while the district leaders and the zone leaders meet, they had me and Elder Condie who is one transfer behind me, go and contact ten people. It was rough, but some how we managed to get four people out of it.

love you all Elder Durrant

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