Monday, July 29, 2013

E-mail 07-29-2013


Well this week has been really good. First thing is Tuesday is our District meeting and I taught the lesson, they said I did good but I´m not sure if they just don´t want to tell me.  And then we had interviews with the president this week.  First time I´ve talked to the new president, and while we were waiting I talked with the presidents wife.  Found out that they leaved in Arizona and own a company there.  She doesn´t speak English, but the president speaks only a little.  So that can give you an idea of how my Spanish is coming.  I can answer the phone, but sometimes I just hand it over to my companion.  I´m teaching more and more in the lessons.  We had one of our past investigators come to church and we didn´t even talk her into it, she just came on her own.  We were pleasantly surprised. ;)   And we also got a new investigating family.  The problem is they're from Brazil, so they will speak Portuguese some times.  But they are amazing, during the first lesson she answered all the questions spot on.  Like she was talking from the pamphlet, but she didn´t have it and she said this is what I believe.  The only problem is their Sundays for the next three weeks are full. :(  Oh and this week since our house is the hotel as the other missionaries call it, we have had a few Elders and one of them is staying with us until the changes and then he goes home.  I love to just listen to the way he teaches, he teaches in such a way it keeps the investigators interested.   And from what I´ve heard, there are eleven missionaries coming this next week so some of them will be in our house. so next week will be interesting.  Oh and to add to the list, this is my last week of training. so we will see who stays and who goes this week.

The word for this week (or phrase) is "llegar a ser".   I love this one and I will explain why.  It means "to become" Spanish has a few words for become, like estar and ser but they imply an immediate change, like emotion, but "llegar a ser" implies an effort on the persons part, like a career.  The literal meaning of the words are "to arrive to be" So when we want to say "become like God" we say "llegar a ser como Dios"

And a little information about Mexico, the people here are happy, but they never smile in pictures.  It´s like when we see a camera we smile, well as soon as they see a camera, they stop smiling.  It´s just what they do, I haven´t figured out why.  I have made a few guesses, but I have seen a few where they couldn't help but smile, like wedding pics or when you poke them in the side.

Love Elder Durrant

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