Monday, August 5, 2013

E-mail 08/05/2013

Sorry this will be another short one.
But this week has been interesting, I found out I can´t eat milk products or junk food (well I shouldn´t anyway) I need to eat apples and drink more water.  Well what happened is, I was in the offices and their was three mission doctors, I didn´t talk to them. But after they left another missionary tattle on me to the Mission Pres. wife. that I had diarrhea and so she got after me for not saying something while the doctors were there. But then she gave me that list I mentioned.
We took Elder Diaz to the Mission home (it´s big) and so he is home by now.  Soon after we got the call for transfers...........I got changed, I am no longer in Aguescalientes, right now I am in Fresnillo, it took four hours on bus to get here, and I´m still not to my area, I am staying the night with the Elders here and then tomorrow we will have our district meeting, then we go to our area in Rio Grande, which is an hour from here.  From what I know it is a Rancho, which means it´s not big enough to be a city.  Their is only a branch there with about 20-30 members, so this has been an interesting change.  From a ward of 120ish members to 20-30 member branch.  My companion is working on getting bikes for this area, but for now we will have to do a lot of walking.
So that´s this week, nothing interesting at all. ;)
Love Ya Elder Durrant

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