Monday, August 12, 2013

E-mail 08/12/2013


Well this has been a great week. This area is fantastic, so I must have miss understood my companion last week, because there was way more then 20 members. We counted and their was 56 members there. W took a picture to send to Fresnillo (fres'nijo) to the Stake President, so they're going to start building a chapel here this year.  Right now we only have a casa de oración or house of prayer.  It´s actually a three story building and working on extending the base floor; where the sacrament is, because it was packed Sunday, kids were sitting on the parents laps and a few of us had to stand.  We had cake after the block to celebrate.
We had all our investigators there, well that I know of.  We have a baptism next week, and if I understood right, he is being baptized in the river, so that will be interesting. 

We are teaching a family that lives close to the CdeO, so it was easy to get them to go to church.  Some time this week we got a reference from the old Pres. of the Rama (branch).  He has been in too many different churches and sometime along the way started to drink. So now he want to stop, so we have been helping him with that.

We´ve also been working with the less active members, because thier´s about 20 of them, but it hasn´t yielded as good of results.  Most have moved or we couldn't find their address.  We did manage to contact one, but she´s been going to another church. She knows that the church is true, but she goes to the other because she knows more people.

Well I know enough Spanish to communicate with my companion and teach, but some times he has to clarify what I said.  But my companion is determined to have me speaking Spanish fluently by the end of this change.

The word for this week is "asistir", at first glance I would guess "to assist" or to help, but no that´s not what it means.  It means to "attend".  This word has really messed with my head, so if I ever say "we had such and such members assist church" I really mean "we had such and such attend church"  

Love You all and take care
   Elder Durrant

This is a pic of the mission office and my old chapel
New friend

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