Monday, August 26, 2013

E-mail 08/26/2013


Well this week has been amazing. The Stake Pres. came to the CdeO this Sunday to see the progress, and there was 60 in attendance this week! We were so happy. So right now they're working on buying the lots on both sides and then they will start building. And to top it all off, all but one of our investigators were in attendance. The reason the one didn´t join us was because he was sick.

Also this week, me and my companion received a confirmation that God answers prayers. After praying for a week and a half, we got one of our Investigators back!

Last week I failed to mention that Elder Johnson, our Area Seventy, came and talked to us, it was awesome! But with it came some changes, so now our investigators have to go to church five times before they can be baptized, so now all our baptisms have been moved back, but that´s ok, it gives us more time to make sure they're ready.

As for what Elder Johnson talked about, well he did a lot of calling to repentance.  The majority of the talk was on the first principle in lesson one, God is our loving Heavenly Father, and how we should take more then five minutes to talk about it, and how if our investigators truly understood this principle, they would have an easier time understanding the rest, and that they wouldn´t go inactive after the missionary left.

So me and my companion have repented, we went back and taught it to all our investigators as one lesson and from now on we teach it the first lesson by it self for every new investigator.

Well for the word of the week, I have a funny story that happened last night.  So the greetings here are "buenos días", (good morning) "buenas tardes" (good afternoon) and "buenas noches" (good night). So buenos días is until noon and buenas tardes is until 6, but here it´s until it´s dark out. But the thing is, every time I say buenas noches, the person responds buenas tardes.  So last night I said buenas tardes and the person said buenas noches.  Then my companion got after me for saying buenas tardes.  So I told him that everyone always says buenas tardes.  So as we were walking home he said buenas noches to a few people and they all responded buenas noches.  So I said okay watch, this next person will say buenas tardes if I say buenas noches, and she did.  And so did four out of five of the people I said buenas noches to, on the way home.  So I was trying to figure out why they responded that way to me, and that´s when it hit me, I told my companion, oh it´s because I´m brilliant, they think it´s still light out.
I thought you might get a kick out of that.

Love You all!
Elder Durrant

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