Monday, September 2, 2013

E-mail 09/02/2013


Sorry this will be a short one, but we should have two baptisms this week, a Hermana (Sister) who I am completely confident that she will stay active the rest of her life.  One time we taught her the law of tithing and she told us how she had already gained a testimony of paying tithing.  The other is the one we have been trying to get baptized ever since I got here, but for one reason or another it has been delayed.  He is pretty solid too.  Saturday night we planned on teaching him keeping the sabbath day holy, and he told us that he was behind on rent (he pays on a daily bases) and because of his health in the past couple of weeks, the land lord told him he had to pay Sunday or he had to leave.  So he said that he wouldn´t be able to make it to church because he had to work Sunday to make up the difference, so we asked him to have faith and the Lord would bless him, and there he was the next day, and he managed to stay.

Well this week has been an interesting experience, well with food that is.  First my companion told me that it was ok to drink a certain type of milk here, so I tried it, bad idea, two days later I was on the toilet, luckily it only lasted a couple of days. So I just give up on milk while I´m here, it´s just not worth the pain.

I also ate pig nose and pig intestine this week, you may ask how I did it, well the trick is, don´t ask what it is tell your done, it´s as simple as that.  For the most part you can´t really tell what it is, like the pig nose was chopped up and it actually tasted pretty good, but after words I was expecting to hear pig intestine, but he said pig nose and that´s when my stomach churned.

As for the word of the week. Oracion, it means prayer but it also means sentence, so that has been a bit of a confusion.

Love you all!
Elder Durrant

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