Monday, September 23, 2013

E-mail 09/23/2013


Well this week has been exiting, Rio Grande may be a small place but it´s never dull. We got like maybe three lessons in this week in total. Last Monday after I finished emailing, well I had no idea the adventure I was about to have that would affect the entire week and still is effecting us.
So last week I mentioned the rain we have been having. Well I didn´t think that much of it, so we headed to teach one of our recent converts, but before we started the lesson we got a text from the Elders Quorum Pres. asking for help, something about water in their house, so we hurried over to his house. Well as we got closer to his house the traffic got heavy loading with people, I thought it was because of the Independence party they were having that day. But as I started to see them loading more then just people but fridges, mattresses, and other stuff, I started to get an idea of what was going on, an evacuation. As we got closer and closer to his house, we saw water in the street about two inches, so we had to walk in it to get to the house. When we got to his house the water was up to our knees. Mexico has tall sidewalks but this was pushing it. So we helped him move as much as we could to the second floor and put the couches on stuff so they were up high. When we finished and headed out the water was up to our lower thighs. so we try to help as many people as possible do the same. After about two hours of this, with it raining hard, and it was dark out and the firefighters and police men had arrived, we decided to head home. We were completely soaked, all I had was my slacks and a short sleeved white shirt. We left our backpacks at a members house on the way, so they didn´t get soaked. It was sad to see peoples stuff be destroyed but I have to say it was good fun to help others.
We were sore the next day from trying to walk though waist deep water, but in the morning we left for Fresnillo for the district meeting, as we went though Centro, it´s calm in the morning, but there was an uneasy calm about this morning. As we got closer to the river we saw where all the people were taking pics of the river. The bridge is about two-three stories high, but their was about two feet above the water. It was flowing down a street further down the road. We have a pic of a basketball court covered in water about 3/4 of a mile away from the river. What happen in the part of the city with the flooding, is the water presser was so high that it, pushed up through the manholes, but it only took a couple days for the water to fall back down, and now the hard work has started. When we were over there last, they were spraying stuff to keep the mosquito population down, and they have pulled in military and the police from Fresnillo. Tomorrow all the missionaries in our zone are coming to have a service project.
Well the other exciting thing that happened this week is I got a call from the sec. to print out an email and sign it and get it sent to him that day. So we had to go to Fresnillo to get it to the zone leaders and then they would send it to the sec. Well as we were walking we talked to a member who was going to be passing Fresnillo so he offered us a ride, so we waited for him to finish what he was doing and then we headed off but then the car kept on turning off, well it was a rental so we rushed to the bus station. Well to make a long story short, after running and worrying we made it just in time for the zone leaders to send it that same day, the place that they sent it though closed the doors after we finish, that´s how close it was. The papers had to do with my visa so if I didn't get it sent I would be going to Texas for a little while till they could fix the problems.
So this has been an exiting week, but I´m still alive, oh and my house is on a hill so you don´t have to worry Mom.
Love you all!!
Elder Durrant

Here is the CdeO
(Casa de Oración or House of Prayer)
My house is right above my companions head

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