Monday, February 3, 2014

E-mail 02/03/2014

¡¿Cómo están?!   (How are you!)
Wow their has been so much this week that I don´t even remember what happened but I will do my best to remember for you guys. Let´s see here, we are working on finding people to teach, we have been asking references whenever we can and contacting people in the streets (or wherever it´ll be), and we have been trying to get some more members involved in the work.  Oh and my companion convinced me to get up and bear my testimony. I prefer to let the members have the time, but it was good. I have been working on getting a better accent (yes mom that means when I get home it´ll be even harder for you to understand me).  My companion says that I am getting better. I am working on memorizing the articles of faith in Spanish, (yea I know it´s about time I did that).  Well I hope you don´t get mad at me because of the short email.  Their were some big things that happened this week; it´s just that they're personal to other people and I don´t feel like I should share them.  The work moves forward; we are trying to get this area and Ward to have more baptisms but that´s about it.  We haven´t been able to teach much this week , just a lot of searching.

There was something funny that happened this week; so the word "mande" is a polite way of saying "what did you say?" and it sounds like the English word "Monday."  So my comp asked me what is "Lunes" in English, so I said "Monday," so he asked me again, and I said "Monday," so he asked me again. We went about five times and he got a little frustrated with me, so I explained to him that the word "mande" in Spanish sounds the same as the English word "Monday" and that "Monday" really was "Lunes" in English. I thought you might get a kick out of that one.
¡Les Amo!  (Love them!)
Elder Durrant

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