Monday, February 10, 2014

E-mail 02/10/2014

Wow this week has been full of work.  Well this area hasn`t progressed in a long time and it is supper tough to get into the houses to teach, we are starting to find new people to teach and a few of them seem very promising.  The investigators that they were teaching before I got here, still haven`t let us teach them, it`s been three weeks of "oh we don`t have time right now, come back later" so we are working on getting more investigators, but it`s not going as well as I would like.  But things are getting better, just slowly. 
Something I forgot to mention the last cambio (change) we got a bunch of American sisters here in Mexico, which is weird because I thought Mexico was closed to American sisters.  But one of them is in my district and well she has been sick almost every week and this week she was so sick that she was in her bed for three days, so she will be going home this week :(   It made me think how short the time here really is, and that we should really take advantage of it.
Oh and we went to the mine here in Fresnillo again, I don`t remember if I said anything last time, but yes there is an active mine here.  The majority of people here work there, and they have a section for tours and a small zoo outside, it`s pretty awesome.
There`s a tiger there, but it wasn`t as active as it was the last time, last time it was jumping against the window.

¡Les amo!   (I love you!)
Elder Durrant

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