Monday, February 24, 2014

E-mail 02/24/2014

Wow this week has gone by so fast!  Well this week I decided to finish reading the Book of Mormon in English.  My first six weeks in the field I was trying to study completely in Spanish, but that wasn`t working out for me so I went back to studying in English.  Right now I have been studying about half and half, like for example I would have my English scriptures and my Spanish Preach My Gospel and other material.  But I have felt that now that I can read and understand in Spanish, and that I have not learned to speak as well as I should, I have decided to finish the Book of Mormon one last time in English and then put them in my luggage until I come home, so if I have free time (which doesn`t happen a lot) I start to read. Right now I am in Mormon 3 and I will probably finish in the next few days. Then I will be studying completely in Spanish.
It might sound like something hard but I can read and understand it just fine. It`s just Isaiah that`s particularly hard. Like for example, I came across this word, I don`t remember right now what the word was, but when I looked it up in the dictionary, well I had no Idea what it meant in English so I had to look it up in my English dictionary. But as for the rest of the scriptures it`s not so hard. 
Well in my attempts to read whenever I could I decided to bring along my pocket sized Book of Mormon (which just about all my companions have been trying to get their hands on and which is really hard to get a hold of here in Mexico) and well we were looking for a reference (una Alma) that someone gave us, but we couldn`t find it so we were asking around to see if anyone knew him and we came across someone that didn`t speak Spanish (or he was just messing with us) well he was born in Colorado (which is Spanish for faded red) and he is Catolico (Catholic) and was married to a testigo de jehovar (Jehovah's Witness) but then got divorced. When he was 6 he went to one of our churches for about four years and had many other experiences with religion, so I asked him if he heard about the Book of Mormon and he said he did but not much, so I told him the story of Lehi and his family and then offered him a Spanish Book of Mormon, then he asked if I had one in English, so without thinking about it I pulled out my pocket sized one and handed it to him. It had to have been the Holy Ghost that told me to do it because afterwards I thought about what I just did. I gave him my pocket sized Book of Mormon with markings in it. So I hope it does some good. 
Well that`s basically what happened this week.

!Les amo¡ y ¡animo!
Elder Durrant

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