Monday, March 31, 2014

E-mail 03/31/2014

Well this week, me and my comp. gave a talk in sacrament meeting so that was fun.  I got to talk on scriptures, so it was really awesome and I kept it to 13 min.  It made me think a little about that talk that I will have to give and how I have to give it in English, so that will be interesting.  It also reminded me to tell you guys that here they have changed the day when Elders go home, so I will be returning on a Saturday instead of Monday, but I still have a year before that will come along.  I can`t believe that I will have one year in the mission this week!  My comp. is trying to convince me to burn a shirt, well it just so happens that I had to scrap a shirt, but will see if he convinces me to do it or not.  But I am ssssssssoooooooo exited for General Conference this week!  We are inviting everyone we can to go to as many sessions as possible and I`ll be looking forward to those pics of the food :(.
Something funny that happened this week, we were out in one of the farthest parts of our area and there were a few chicks walking around, so Elder Madsen tried to catch one to take a picture.  It was so funny to watch him chase those things around and not be able to catch a single one.  Then while he was doing that, someone on a bike came and talked to me while my comp. chased those chicks, so we got a contact out of it :D
Elder Durrant

DyC 68:4 Y lo que hablen cuando sean inspirados por el Espíritu Santo será Escritura, será la voluntad del Señor, será la intención del Señor, será la palabra del Señor, será la voz del Señor y el poder de Dios para salvación.

(D & C 68:4 And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord and the power of God unto salvation.)

Monday, March 24, 2014

E-mail 03/24/2014

Wow, how the weeks just pass right on by, we are just getting so excited for GC in a little under two weeks! and this time I get to hear it in English, I`m just so excited!
We are also working on having an English class here, so that will be interesting too.  I`m not sure how that will go, but we will only be teaching the basics, so it shouldn`t be too hard, and hopefully we can find a few people to teach while we are at it.  We had a few people during the week come up to us to practice their English.  Yesterday we talked to a guy that has lived in Chicago, and his accent said it too, it was so funny.  It even affected his Spanish, so when he spoke in Spanish he still had that Chicago accent.  He told us that he was going to go back to Chicago today, so we got his information to pass it on.   He even told us about a friend that he has that we can visit.  His sister was married to a member and now she lives in Utah, so we will go visit him this week. We are having troubles finding new people, so me and my comp are working on more creative ways of contacting people.  We went and bought some pan (bread or Mexican donuts) and told them how much we love the pan here in Mexico, and it`s true, there are just so many options to choose from and each one has different ones it`s way awesome.  My favorite is one that is a swirly con with vanilla cream in the middle, (I will have to send some pics one of this days). But more and more people are starting to come along.
Oh and my comp. has a Sam`s Club card and there´s a Sam`s Club in our area so guess where we went! So we went and bought a bunch of food, it did feel like being back in the states, and it`s good to have American food once in a while :) I bought some of those muffins (they are so good!)
Elder Durrant

Monday, March 17, 2014

E-mail 03/17/2014

Well this week we had changes in the scheduling of the meetings again, so instead of having a meeting Sunday night and all of Tuesday morning, we have the district meeting on Tuesday morning, another meeting Wednesday, and planning on Thursday so the mornings are always busy.  To top it all off, I had to go to Valparaiso this week, but the bus waited about five minutes and then left, so we had to get up at 5 in the morning to get the first bus at 6 just to arrive at the house at 8.  Then that night we waited for my comp. to come to the bus, but the bus that was headed for Fresnillo was getting ready to leave before they got there.  We asked him to wait a little bit longer, after a little bit, he started to leave just as they pulled in. So we got to sleep over there and get up again at 5 in the morning, but oh well I got to sleep on the bus ride.
As for this area we just got more names to work with from the consejo del barrio (ward council) so hopefully we can get some work in this week.  We are also getting ready for an activity this next week in the ward for missionary work. We did manage to get three less active members to go to church. :)
¡Les amo!    (I love you!)
Elder Durrant

Monday, March 10, 2014

E-mail 03/10/2014

Wow what a different week, it`s felt weird to talk in English, I think it`s helping me, for one thing it`s been tough to switch between the two languages, but now I`m getting faster at it. Well work is progressing, but this week we are going to double our efforts, maybe we will actually get some investigators in the capilla (chapel).  We were going to have a really great week but Elder Madsen got sick, yeah that was interesting.  So first about 10:20 pm we noticed that he was all covered in rashes so we called the mission doc, and so he told us to go to his house.  We took a taxi and my lucky comp got a shot, well he tried to convince the doc to do it in his arm, but he said no, so he got it in the rear!  Then the next day he had really bad gas and a stomachache, but he's feeling better now.  Life is busy as always, they have changed when we have our meetings during the week so now Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings are taken up for me, but that`s okay the morning usually are really hard to get lessons in.  So we will see how this next week goes.
Oh and I finally found it!!!  Yes, there really is Root Beer here.  I`ve been searching for it for almost a year now, I`ve even asked members.  On Sunday, a member asked about it and I told him that I found it, but then he told me that it was junk and that he had some A&W at his house and that he would sell it to us for $20 dollars:( .  Right now I`ll stick with the cheap stuff.  I bought some Ice cream and had a root beer float today, it was awesome!
Pues cuidase y ¡Les amo!   (Well take care and I love you!)
Elder Durrant

Monday, March 3, 2014

E-mail 03/03/2014

Wow what a week! (I say that just about every week, life´s just not boring here.)
Well we had a to go to Valparaiso this week and my companion was with the comp. of the Elders there, but they got to the bus station late and we missed our bus and it only passes every two hours.  So we stuck around for a little bit longer and we went and ate with the member there.  Well it isn`t the first time I have eaten in a shed, but it was still a humbling experience.  I tried eating only one plate of food because there was others waiting to eat, but they wouldn't let us leave without having at least two plate fulls.  The food was actually really good.  Then we finally got back to Fresnillo about 7 so we didn`t get much work in that day. 
then Saturday we had an activity, we got some paint and started to paint the trees and with graffiti!  No I`m just joking, but we really did paint trees.  We went to a school for a service project, and I got to paint the trees but it wasn`t paint it was stuff to kill the bugs.  When me and my comp. walked home, everyone was starring at me, I have no Idea why, maybe you guys can figure it out

I think the other elders thought I was a tree too. It was super fun, I really was trying to work, but that doesn`t mean they were too.
Well the other thing that happened this week is transfers(yes I`m finally able to remember how to say that in English.)  Well Elder Velazco left for another area here in Fresnillo and my new comp. is Elder Madsen.  Yes, he is my very first comp. in the field that is from the USA. He just finished his training, but his Spanish is really good, so it`ll be a little weird this transfer to be able to talk in English, so maybe when mothers day comes I will be able to talk to you guys and it won`t come out as Spanglish.

well that`s this week
¡Les amo!
Elder Durrant