Monday, September 15, 2014

E-mail 09/15/2014

Well it didn´t rain.... well a little Sunday.  We got a lot of work done this week.  We had a bunch of new lessons this week and they're still coming, we just need to work on getting them to church.  We have a baptism planned for 11 Oct, which is two weeks after the transfers :( and I have six months in this area, well my companion is happy.  It's good to be running to appointments and not thinking, "well lets go contact because we don´t have anyone else to visit," so hopefully we can keep it going.   Everyone wants to give us food to the point where even I am full.  We also found out that we don´t have a ward mission leader, he moved to Tamalipaus, so now we are waiting to see who will be the new one.  Either way we hope to get the members more involved.
Oh and we cleaned our water tank that´s on our roof today, sorry I forgot to take pics, but it was green on the bottom and the water in the toilet was turning green, so we decided it was time to clean it. 
Sorry there are letters missing in some of the words the keyboard isn´t working right, and it´s taking more time to write too. (Mom fixed the missing letters)
Les amo
Elder Durrant  

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