Tuesday, April 30, 2013

E-mail 04/29/2013

So for this week I thought I would send some pics and then tell a story for each one, if that's ok?

Elder Charlton and Elder Jones show 
how hectic the first day is like
Elder Charlton and Elder Jones have a vision
The Hermona's (Sisters) left a bunch of candy in the 
class room for us, with scriptures on the cards
I got my name printed on my books
I got my name printed on my books
The Hermona's: Sister Vigil, Sister Porter, Sister Garner
Ok, so the story behind this one is kinda funny, 
so we were walking to the temple, and I saw the flowers. 
Well there's poles in the ground and rope to keep people off. 
Well I barely even touched it while taking this pic 
and it falls down into the the flowers
Elder Mickelsen is communing with the grass
You know, I don't even remember what the idea 
behind this was, but it's funny
My district: Sister Garner, Sister Vigil, 
Sister Porter, Elder Charlton, Elder Jones, 
Elder Rice, Elder Heer, Elder Durrant, Elder Micklesen
This last pic was awesome, we were on 
our temple walk, when we spotted
 this skirt. Isn't that amazing! 
Well I thought you would get a kick out of that.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

E-mail 04/25/2013

Well I figured out why my emails are so short, it's because I go blank when I sit down to write. And it's happening again, hopefully I can get over it.
my companion Elder Mickelsen is from Idaho Falls, he lives on a farm (yes, you guessed it, a potato farm); they have twelve hundred acres. Elder Rice lives in Idaho Falls too, just not on a farm. Elder Charlton is from Ohio, Elder Jones is from Wyoming, Elder Heer is from Eagle Mountain, two of the Hermanas (Sisters) are from Arizona, I 'm not sure where the third is from and I'm from Sandy! Oh wait you knew that. I've already seen a couple districts leave. The second group had the zone leaders (Elder Linde and Day) and during gym time, me and Elder Linde were playing horse in one of the corners of the gym and ran towards one of the hoops, rebounded it off the back board and shot it into the hoop on the other wall (you can ask Matt about how the gym is setup) it was insane! Well he left Tuesday and so we got new zone leaders, Elders Richards and Hackleman. They're from the district that came in a week after me. We are going to be getting a new district this next week and the rumor is there will be 16 of them! There's only nine in mine. If you are wondering what my days are like, then I'll tell you. It consists of sleeping, eating, studing and a whole lot of stairs! My room is on the top floor of 3 levels in the far back right corner in 13M, then my class room is in 18M on the fifth floor of five in the front left corner and then we eat in 1M which is in the front middle rightish side. So, I'm getting ready for the field. But I'll tell ya when I leave, that's one thing I won't miss.
Well on a spiritual note, I was looking at the Provo Temple the other day and thought how it looked like a water fountain, then I thought about when Nephi saw the tree of life. Question for you all, what else did Nephi call it?
Que Dios le acompañe
(God be with you)
Love Elder Durrant

Thursday, April 18, 2013

E-mail 04/18/2013

Hola Familia!
Boy is the time flying by, there is so much that has happened here.  Elder Richard G. Scott cam Tuesday and talked on prayer; it was awesome, he gave an apostolic blessing where he blessed those learning a new language twice.  Then after the song he got up again!  And said you were called to succeed and blessed us some more, it was awesome!  And on Sunday nights they run a move and a few talks, and so we went and watched Elder Bednars "Character of Christ" I thought it was going to be the same as the one I got, well it wasn't.  Samuel when you come here, if nothing else go and see it, it was life changing.  It's just too bad that they only let you see them when you're here.  Spanish is coming along, we had trc (it's where volunteers come in and we give them a message.)  This week and it was absolutely amazing.  Didn't say much but the spirit was strong.  It's so weird to think that I've been here two weeks.  I think the food here is killing me, yea it's good but it's doing weird things to my body. Oh and my companion dare someone from my district to drink 5 glasses of orange juice.......(I can image Matt's face right now:) the funny thing is, it didn't do anything to him.  It certainly does for me.  I love my district they're fun to be around.  I love GYM too, they've started calling me Durrantula, I guess it's because I get some lucky shots.  The track is great, I love to go running on a flat surface.  Their was an Elder that ran with me, well let's just say he's legs don't feel good right now.
This week we broke record, there were 6 more sisters than elders that came in this week.  It's so weird, because their are a lot of sisters around here.
Well sorry I'm a really slow typer, but I'll try to work on it.
Amar Elder Durrant

Thursday, April 11, 2013

E-mail 04/11/2013

Hola familia
Wow! This has been the week, it feels like I've been here for a month! "Days feels like weeks and weeks fill like days", that's what they tell use the first day and it's true. Well you all are probably wondering how things went. Well the first day was crazy, we were getting shuffled all over the place. I meet my companion, his name is elder Mickelsen .
And they gave us a good idea of what missionary teaching is like; the missionaries started and then we would continue. During one of them she kicked the missionaries out, because they were interrogating her, then when the group took over we continued to do the same. And one of the sisters started to fight with her, but then one of the elders took control of the situation and brought the spirit back.
the second day supper long, don't really remember what happened. But by the third day we where teaching an investigator in Spanish! It was crazy! we have now tough him three times and committed him to baptism (he said yes!)
I think I'm starting to get the hang of the language, but it's still taking time.
sorry for the short email, I'm a slow typer, I'll try to send more letters if I can.
Love Elder Durrant
Matt should like this one

I'm glad I don't have to do that!

Rice, Heer, Jones,Charlton, Mickelsen,& Me
Me and my companion

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2013-04-03 Saying good-byes and entering the MTC

Is this enough ties?????
And more hugs....
And another...
And another...
And another..
Did I get everyone???
WOW, I'm really here!!!
Greeted at the MTC
Last hug for my twin brother
Bye Dad
I love you too Dad
One last hug, I love you too Mom

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2013-04-03 Set apart as a Missionary

He is officially Elder Durrant
The last time they all will be together in a long time
Matthew shared his missionary tag,
now David looks like a missionary
Is that a prospect?????
Dad, David, and Matthew, the missionaries of the family
David and Matthew
He will do great!