Tuesday, April 30, 2013

E-mail 04/29/2013

So for this week I thought I would send some pics and then tell a story for each one, if that's ok?

Elder Charlton and Elder Jones show 
how hectic the first day is like
Elder Charlton and Elder Jones have a vision
The Hermona's (Sisters) left a bunch of candy in the 
class room for us, with scriptures on the cards
I got my name printed on my books
I got my name printed on my books
The Hermona's: Sister Vigil, Sister Porter, Sister Garner
Ok, so the story behind this one is kinda funny, 
so we were walking to the temple, and I saw the flowers. 
Well there's poles in the ground and rope to keep people off. 
Well I barely even touched it while taking this pic 
and it falls down into the the flowers
Elder Mickelsen is communing with the grass
You know, I don't even remember what the idea 
behind this was, but it's funny
My district: Sister Garner, Sister Vigil, 
Sister Porter, Elder Charlton, Elder Jones, 
Elder Rice, Elder Heer, Elder Durrant, Elder Micklesen
This last pic was awesome, we were on 
our temple walk, when we spotted
 this skirt. Isn't that amazing! 
Well I thought you would get a kick out of that.

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