Thursday, April 25, 2013

E-mail 04/25/2013

Well I figured out why my emails are so short, it's because I go blank when I sit down to write. And it's happening again, hopefully I can get over it.
my companion Elder Mickelsen is from Idaho Falls, he lives on a farm (yes, you guessed it, a potato farm); they have twelve hundred acres. Elder Rice lives in Idaho Falls too, just not on a farm. Elder Charlton is from Ohio, Elder Jones is from Wyoming, Elder Heer is from Eagle Mountain, two of the Hermanas (Sisters) are from Arizona, I 'm not sure where the third is from and I'm from Sandy! Oh wait you knew that. I've already seen a couple districts leave. The second group had the zone leaders (Elder Linde and Day) and during gym time, me and Elder Linde were playing horse in one of the corners of the gym and ran towards one of the hoops, rebounded it off the back board and shot it into the hoop on the other wall (you can ask Matt about how the gym is setup) it was insane! Well he left Tuesday and so we got new zone leaders, Elders Richards and Hackleman. They're from the district that came in a week after me. We are going to be getting a new district this next week and the rumor is there will be 16 of them! There's only nine in mine. If you are wondering what my days are like, then I'll tell you. It consists of sleeping, eating, studing and a whole lot of stairs! My room is on the top floor of 3 levels in the far back right corner in 13M, then my class room is in 18M on the fifth floor of five in the front left corner and then we eat in 1M which is in the front middle rightish side. So, I'm getting ready for the field. But I'll tell ya when I leave, that's one thing I won't miss.
Well on a spiritual note, I was looking at the Provo Temple the other day and thought how it looked like a water fountain, then I thought about when Nephi saw the tree of life. Question for you all, what else did Nephi call it?
Que Dios le acompañe
(God be with you)
Love Elder Durrant

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