Monday, December 9, 2013

E-mail 12/09/2013

Well, this week we have worked really hard.  Francisco drank this week after a month and four days, so we are going to try for another month, but his wife is just about ready to be baptized.  She has had some doubts, but Francisco has helped her though them,  Now she is going to bring their daughters to church.  They have already brought one, but they are going to try to bring the ones that are married.  We are also working with the husbands of some of the hermanas (sisters) in the branch.  We hope to help them have the opportunity to go through the temple as a family.  We had all of our converts (o sea, las almas que les pueden ayudar a tener gozo[ie, souls who can help them find joy]) in La Iglesia (church) this week.  And all, but one has been active in the church.  She still has her testimony, but she just has some things that she needs to work through.

Oh, and cambios (changes-transfers) came this week.  Elder Pazcka left for Aguascalientes and I am here with my new comp, Elder Risueño.  This is his last cambio (changes-transfers) in the mission, so that means I will be here for at least one more cambio (changes-transfers) after this one.  But that's all good, I like it here in Rio Grande.  But I have to tell you that there's one missionary in Fresnillo with the same time as me in the mission, but he has now been in three different areas in Fresnillo.  He started here and is still here.  He said his call really said " are called to the Fresnillo mission".  I'm happy to be in this area. 

Sorry I don't have much this week.  We've been doing a lot of hard work and we hope to start seeing the "fruits of our labors" start to ripen. 

Oh, and I hope you all know that I love you!!!
Elder Durrant

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