Monday, December 16, 2013

E-mail 12/16/2013

WOW!! Thanks everyone for your emails, oh and don´t forget to do the same for Daniel.
Well this week has been busy, we have none stop working, we have so many people to visit that we just don´t have time to visit everyone, then to top it off we had another meeting with Elder Ortiz (first or second counselor in the area Presidency) with new commitments for us, the way we work is changing, we are focusing more on working with the members and focusing more on the less actives.  We will now be treating the less actives like investigators, and the members have put together a list of less actives and friends of the church.  Rio Grande has put together a list of 207 names, the branch pres. has them and will work out a time to visit them with the person that gave the name, so we are just overflowing with work.  Elder Ortiz also told the Hermanas (sisters) to feed us more because we will be needing the energy.  But it hasn't been a problem, the Hermanas (sisters) here feed us a lot.  I think I am getting fat here, not really, I'm still skinny.  Well as for my comp. you maybe wondering what his name means, well it means smiley or smiling.  So it's not Elder Risueño but Elder Smiley.  Oh and we didn´t get those other two missionaries here this cambio (changes-transfers but Pres. told us this week we could start looking for a house, so we will be getting them this next cambio (changes-transfers)
Oh and if anyone is wondering there isn´t any snow down here, I heard it snowed it Zacatacas but just a little, I miss the stuff.
Y mi español está mejorando, todavía tengo mucho para aprender, pero sí puedo hablar suficiente para comunicar con personas, como en esta semana hablé con un conductor de taxi, hablé con él sin problemas y esfuerza.
(My Spanish is getting better, I still have a lot to learn, but yes I can talk enough to communicate with people.  Like this week I talked with a taxi driver,  I talked with him without any problems and without strain.)
When I call home Christmas I will be able to show you. If you want to talk to my comp I will need to translate, because he doesn"t know English.

Pues hasta la proxima semana (Well until next week)
Les amo! (Love you all)
Elder Durrant

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