Tuesday, May 20, 2014

E-mail 05/20/2014

Wow this week has just been packed with stuff.  Along with the usual stuff I had two intercambios (I don`t remember what it`s called) this week, one with the zone leaders and then with the Elders in Retornos. and I went to the other area for both of them. On top of that, I got a cold :( but it wasn`t enough to keep me down, just Saturday I got a sore throat so no one could understand me.  I still haven`t been so sick that I have lost a day of work, which makes me happy!  I just hope I can keep it that way for the rest of this year.
Well I have survived one year in Mexico, and to celebrate I finally got around to burning a shirt.  I found this really bad looking shirt in the house so instead of throwing it away I burned it.  We took a video of it and some pics.  It`s so funny because here people will just light a lot full of weeds on fire even if it`s next to other houses.  It`s because all the houses here are made out of brick and nobody cares.
Well today we had a zone activity where we did dodge ball with buckets of water with sponges, it was a blast, and if your team lost, they would pick three from that team to line up against a wall and everyone would throw water balloons at them.  I got lined up there once.  Then we had a Mexican BBQ.  If you were wondering, no it`s nothing like an American BBQ, except that it has meat involved.  It`s usually strips of meat with tortillas and salsa, it was a lot of fun. 
Coming up next is transfers so tune in next week!
¡Les amo!
Elder Durrant

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