Monday, May 5, 2014

E-mail 05/05/2014

WOW!  Well, life never seems to slow down here.  My area (Sauzalito (little willow tree) is a ward with four missionaries, us and the hermanas (Sisters).  The hermanas had a baptism, so on Saturday we were helping them out.  They asked me to play the piano for them.  I did it with just the right hand because they didn´t give me much notice.  Everything turned out good, even after all the problems, like trying to fill the font (there always seems to be problems with the font.)  The lady that was getting baptized was the mother of the ward mission leader, it was really cool.  The other thing to happen this week is that I had to go to the bus station to meet up with Elder Jasso so I could signs some papers for my visa.  I finally got to see Elder Heer (from my districts in the MTC) again he has been here in SLP his whole mission, just in different areas. and this is my first area in SLP so I had not seen him in almost a year.  But with the paper work, I had to sign my name like 20 time, and he forgot one of the papers so he sent it to my email so I could sign it and send it with the zone leaders.  In about two weeks I will need to go to Aguascaliente, I haven´t seen that place since I left my first area.  Well as for the work in my area, we have two people that we are working with trying to set up baptism dates, and trying to keep in contact with them.  Their is another investigator that we taught the other day, about dispensations and about Christ´s ministry, he had a few simple questions for us about prophets and apostles, and when we answered them he was happy.  When we finished, his face looked like he wanted more, but it was getting dark so we had to leave.  Unfortunately we can only visit him on Sundays.
¡Les amo! ¡Y nos vemos domingo!
(I love you! And see you Sunday!)
Elder Durrant

Maralyn  wrote:
I'm glad to know that all the piano practicing has done some good.  he he he

David Durrant wrote:
Yea, and it got my secret out, now the ward mission leader wants me to play every Sunday before class because their is a piano in there.

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