Monday, August 11, 2014

E-mail 08/11/2014

Well not much happened this week, but there was someone interesting that showed up Sunday.  He came in the middle of Sacrament Meeting, so we went and sate by him, then later we  found out his story.  If I remember right, he's from Chiapas, he's basically Indian.  He spoke two other languages, some dialect of Mayan.  He could speak Spanish, but he struggled with it.  He was traveling to the US but his visa wasn´t accepted or something like that, and so he had no choice but to head back, but he didn´t have any money to do it.  He couldn´t get any help from anybody, until an old man offered to help him out.  So he sold his watch to buy his ticket to get here, but he didn´t have enough for the rest of the way, so he gave him the direction to our chapel and said that he had some children that went to this church and that he should ask for some help from the bishop.  It was very humbling to hear his story especially since in class we talked about the good Samaritan.  He talked about his home land a little bit, he even told us that there was a chapel where he lives.  He was also missing part of his index and middle fingers from the first joint.  If I understood him right, he said that it was a sign of a worrier, but he said he wasn´t that anymore.  It was also very interesting his comments of god and that he came to know the true and living god.  As far as I know, he is on his way home now, but it has surely been an experience I will never forget.
Well as for work, we are getting more of the members involved, but it´s still a work in progress.  Our ward mission leader is really good, he is a young ward mission leader, but he does a lot and he wants to be a mission president one day,  He has two years now in the church, but he knows a lot.  He hasn´t been on a mission, but that doesn´t stop him.  When we are together it´s like being in a trio.

Les amo
Elder Durrant

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