Monday, August 18, 2014

E-mail 08/18/2014

Well this week has been good, the hermanas in our ward baptized the mom of another baptism that they had a few months ago, so they're happy.  It was so funny because we went to the baptism and someone locked their keys in the closet, and so we tried picking the lock.  Well Mom and Dad, don´t worry because I don´t have the skills of a thief, so the next thing we tried was get those flat plastic cables to wrap a box and we got it behind the thing that keeps the door closed (sorry I don´t remember what it´s called) and Elder Stephenson was pulling it with all his weight, then it snapped and he fell backwards.  It was funny because he always makes fun of me for doing stuff like that.
Well transfers came and well I´m still here in Sauzalito 1, and Elder Stephenson left for Zacatacas.  My new comp. is Elder Ortiz, he's from the state of Mexico.  He has seven months in the mission, and very quiet, so hopefully I can get him out of it.
This morning was crazy, we had to be at the central (bus station) at 8 in the morning, and for some reason I got sick last night, so after one hour of looking for a taxi, we finally got to the bus station.  We got their about 9 and after chatting a bit I headed back with my new Comp. and I took a nap, so I feel better now.
So basically I was in my first area for 3 months, then my second for 6 months, then my third one for 3 months, and now I´m going for 6 six months here, my comp has had more areas then me, but that´s fine because I like staying in one place then moving around.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

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