Monday, October 6, 2014

E-mail 10/06/2014

Wow what a week, well there aren`t very many people here to teach so we have been contacting and looking up less active members and trying to get as many people to go to conference as possible. There`s a family of 4 that we are teaching that went, so we are happy :)  We hope to be able to find more people this week. The ward here is struggling a lot, the members are willing to help, just that there aren`t very many priesthood holders, we hope to help things improve.  Conference was awesome, I loved the talks and it was awesome to have the different languages.  I think it will attract more people of different languages.  To be honest I don`t like listening to translators, I like hearing their voices, so when the first Spanish speaker came on, we went and listened in Spanish.  He actually spoke in the MTC when I was there and he speaks just fine in English.  The sad thing is my companion was sick on Saturday and then he got me sick the next day, so it was all I could do to listen to the last session, but I`m feeling a lot better now.  I went and bought some chicken noodle soup, it`s been awhile since I`ve had some.  Then an Elder shared some of his licorice with us, it`s been forever since I`ve had some of that too.
Well I`ve got to go, but I hope you all had a good GC
Les Amo
Elder Durrant

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