Monday, December 15, 2014

E-mail 12/15/2014

NOOOO! and here I thought I was safe, it finally happened, I got transferred to Morelos, as a Zone leader.  My new companion is Elder Condie; he is from Idaho (that's where my fourth companion was from) and he has one less transfer then me.  Well President told me to expect to leave, but I did not expect this, so I told the Sister that was preparing a cake for me, that I might not be there on Tuesday, so she made the cake on Saturday.   Then on Sunday, we sang in sacrament meeting again and then we went to a music event for Christmas.  We each had an assignment.  Me and my companion got to help the old people get into the event with wheel chairs.  There were some missionaries that sang in the event and they sang The First Noel but in five different languages, it was awesome.  There was a lot of non members that went, and then we helped the old people get back out, and it took a little while to get some taxi`s, but we did it.  As we were heading back they told us the transfers, and that I was going to be a zone leader and Elder Arnold was going to stay a fifth transfer and train.  So my first day so far as Zone leader, started of at the bus station at 7:30 am and then we ended up having to wait for a missionary that was coming from the farthest zone away,. so we didn`t leave till 3-3:30, and we are still busy, but we will see what this week brings.  Sorry it`s kind of a short message today, but we will be having a Christmas party with President  this week.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

Birthday cake

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