Monday, December 29, 2014

E-mail 12/29/2014

Wow! what a week.  First of all we had intercambios with the assistants.  I went with Elder Rice that was in the MTC with me, and Elder Condie stayed with Elder Torgesen that was in the MTC with him, and we also found out that we would be receiving Elder Gutiérrez.  They went to the bus station for him while I was in intercambios, it was nice to go back to my first area, but now it has been divided into four areas and we never went over that way.
It was nice to see you all on Christmas.  The member that let us use his computer was a returned missionary that went to Fresno California, he is also the one I mentioned that gave me a tie.  They gave us some other Christmas gifts as well, I´ll send some pics later.  There are a lot of good members in this ward, which is nice.  We were not able to get a lot of work done this week, we have been so busy and Pres. told us that we couldn´t go visit investigators on Christmas, just RC and active members.  We are trying to get the area up and going, so it can be an example for the rest.  We are doing everything possible to be examples for the rest and not tell the rest to do something we are not doing. Being a Zone leader is keeping me very busy, hopefully we can get everything done this week.
My legs are getting a lot bigger as well, I should be in really good shape by the next transfer.  After we finally get up one hill I see another one start right at the bottom :(
Les amo
Elder Durrant

yes it´s real

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