Monday, December 22, 2014

E-mail 12/22/2014

Well there went another week, it was so busy. I think Pres thought that I was getting fat or something, because my area has nothing but hills, I have not found a flat part yet.  For the most part, my areas have been flat, so now I am getting a good workout, but it`s nice here, and there`s a nice view from here. (I`ll try to send pics sometime) and the ward is fully functioning.  We also had our Christmas party with Pres., there was food and dessert and we did a gift exchange.  It was funny because we did a drawing to see who would give to who and I got an hermana and that same hermana also gave to me.  I bought her a little speaker that`s in the shape of a can of Pepsi, I was tempted to get her one that was a brand of beer, but I decided that it wouldn't be such a good idea.  On the paper we wrote what we would like, some of the other things that she wrote on there was a blouse, that was just a catastrophe in the waiting, she also wrote a hand bag and so we went over to where the purses are, but I didn`t feel it would be a good idea to walk out of there with one of those, so I just went with the speaker.  She gave me a tie, but I forgot to take a pic to send to you.  Oh and on Tuesday we had our district meeting and my comp. bought a cake and then when we practiced singing in the zone for Christmas they sang me happy birthday in Spanish and in English.  Then later that day we went over to a member to see if we could use their skype on Christmas and it came out that it was my birthday and they said that they had a gift for me, I didn`t believe it at first. (I think it was actually for Navidad) so they gave me and my comp. a tie.  Then after the party we had with Pres. we found out that a RC passed away in our area, so we went to the services right after.  Then the next day we had a Christmas party in the ward with food and games, so we invited investigators to go.  So we have been busy all week long.  Oh and church starts at 1pm.
So this next week in Navidad, pres is letting us watch a movie in the morning, it`s not necessary if you have to call the Family but I get to set things up, so I have to go.  So that`s why I won`t be able to call until about 4pm. the whole zone wants to see Frozen.  Well see you all in three days.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

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