Monday, December 8, 2014

E-mail 12/08/2014

Well this week has been full. First we had intercambios and choir practice in the zone for Christmas, they want us to sing in the ward this next week as-well, so we had to go and practice that too (I must have a nice voice, because everyone keeps asking us to sing) Then someone asked us to help with their English.  On Thursday we went and did a service, we helped mix up stuff that they put on the houses and then painted them.  It`s a big project they are doing to clean up the place.  There was a lot of people helping, but come to find out, they were getting paid to do it. Now everyone asked us if we were still working in the days that followed :(   We then were supposed to have interviews with our President on Friday, but it got canceled, so we had Zone meeting.  On Saturday they called us up with a surprise, we were going to have our interviews at 5.  Later they called us up and told us that he would be coming in an hour.   He took longer with other people, so we went to go eat, they called up to say that we would be having them on Sunday, so we didn`t get much done that day, running back and forth. We did get them on Sunday, and we also went to a baptism for the other ward Saturday night. So we had a busy week, oh and the Christmas devotional. They gave us cards for ¨He is the gift¨ so we are trying to spread the word.
Today I had a competition with another Elder to see who could eat a liter of ice cream faster, I won.  I`m not sure how it started, at first we saw that we could get it for 20 pesos, which is about $1.60ish, so we wanted to see who could eat the whole thing, and then it turned into a race. I did it in 14 min.
Les amo
Elder Durrant

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