Monday, June 9, 2014

E-mail 06/09/2014

Well as usual this week has been interesting.  We had our Zone meeting this week and we found out that we can`t have activities as missionaries, just with our comps. this rule has been set for all of Mexico, we don`t know exactly why,  just something to do with security.  And I was just planning an activity for today :( but oh well theirs nothing we can do about it.  We are getting more lessons, we are going to try and get even more this week, all we need now is people to go to church.  Everyone is accustomed to either go when they want to, or at least various services during the week, so when we say it`s at 12 every Sunday they ask are their any other times?

Especially yesterday, there was a tun of parties going on, who knows why, but everyone told us they couldn't go this week for some party.  Except for Yesenia, she is so faithful, we just need to find more people like her.  We will be having a noche de hogar (family home evening) with her and a member family that lives close by.
Oh, something funny happened yesterday during sacrament meeting.  So there were two people giving a talk and the first finished in 5-7 min and then one of the hermanas talked for about 10 min, so that left bout 20 min until the hour mark.  So while the hermana was talking the bishop sent someone to ask my comp. to share his "testimony" for the rest of the time.  Well I didn`t think that he could take 20 min without preparation, so I started to prepare something. But to my shock he just kept on going for the whole 20 min, it shocked everyone else too.
The Young Women`s leader asked us to teach the Young Women on the priesthood.  It was really good, they were asking some good questions, like what is the responsibility of the priesthood in the home and what can we do to help those that hold the priesthood.  There were some other questions but I don`t remember what they all were.  The last one was "Being as young as we are, how do we feel about this great responsibility."  (the teacher asked that one)
Well that`s all folks!
Elder Durrant

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