Monday, June 16, 2014

E-mail 06/16/2014

Wow, like every week it has been exiting. First off we had stake conference this week and a seventy came to speak Elder Reyes.  He said he was call in April of last year (I think) It was really good, especially the Saturday night session.  He showed some letters from the First Presidency about the Saturday night session, and who was invited, and he chastised the members for not working in the work of salvation but he did it with so much love, It was awesome.
Sadly a member said they would bring Yesenia but when we saw her and not Yesenia we asked what happened and she said that she went to pickup other people and didn`t pass by, so we had to move her Baptismal date to the 28 :(
We did have a noche de hogar (family home evening) with her last Monday it was awesome.  And well, we are suppose to work more with the members and seeing as we only have 5 family's on our side of the ward, we are trying to activate more members by getting them to read and pray every day to gain their testimonies.
Oh and our water pump isn`t working, so we have had to take fast showers to get the water up top to last until we get the pump fixed.  We have this huge tank of water under the drive way, it`s so big that you could swim in it.  We emptied it last week and it took forever to get it filled up again and that`s when the pump stopped working.
¡Les amo!
Elder Durrant
The bananas and rice wasn`t even my idea.

That`s a big bunny!

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