Monday, June 2, 2014

E-mail 06/02/2014

Wow time just flies by, I thought I just wrote you guys yesterday.  Well this week we had Elder De Ollos come and visit us, so we had the three zones here in SLP together and he taught us some things he wanted us to change in the mission.  Well it really wasn`t anything new just something we hadn`t been doing, so we had to repent.  But I was amazed when he started talking about the atonement with contacting, because I had my district study the atonement this week in hopes to teach something similar, but of course he said it a lot better then I could ever say it.
But then he talked about how we should ask the members to invite their friends to listen to us, by putting an appointment with them and then have them invite their friends to come to their house to listen to us.  We have already set a few appointments for this week so we shall see how it goes.
I forgot to mention last week that my comp. Elder Stephenson is just as tall as me, so we got the two tallest missionaries here.  He actually looks taller because he has a longer torso but I have longer legs. I`m pretty sure I mentioned that he is from Las Vegas and he likes to play volleyball.  I still need to get a pic with him for you guys.
This week we also found this secret passage through the river bed, it`s so cool because it`s like you are in a forest.  I took a pic of that too. 
Oh and yesterday one of the members brought someone new to church, and to my surprise when I talked to him he said he already knew me and then he said that we are neighbors, and he really is, he lives right next to our house. Well that makes it easy, now dosen`t it, and the new Elders Quorum Pres. wants to visit him with us ;)
¡Les Amo!
Elder Durrant

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