Monday, December 30, 2013

E-mail 12/30/2013

WOW what a week!  Well first of all, it was pretty fantastically awesome to see you guys this week, well I thought about some of your questions this week.  One of them was what nicknames do I have for being tall, well like I said I don´t really have any, but I´m always used to line up the camera when we have a group photo and they people here always think I am really old because I´m tall.  One sister in Aguascalientes thought I was 33 years old, and there was one sister that was flirting with me that was 28 years, until she asked me how old I was. :D
As for the temperature this week, well it was hot until the day after Christmas, so it felt more like Christmas the next day then the actual day.  It still hasn´t snowed, but one sister here thinks it will snow this year.  Here they get snow every once in awhile, I hope it´s this year.  The cold just makes live more exciting, something different, always hot is just so boring.
Well the next time I will try practicing my English so you can actually understand me.  You know, just the thought that I have to practice my English is funny. :)

Well as for work, our ward mission leader (LM=líder misional) came home on Christmas break, so we have taken this chance to work hard with him.  At one point we visited every one we could think of that was close by, but no one was home or was busy, so we asked our LM if there was a less active close by that he knew of.  Well after a little while we went and visited a family, the father is a member, but the Mother and two boys aren´t.  They were very interested in why we visited them, so when we told them what happened, they said God must have sent us, because they are going through a hard time right now.  Something happened at church so they stopped going, but they don´t go anywhere on Sundays, and she wants to start going again, so we have high hopes for them.
We hope to have two baptisms this week.  One of them, she just needs to be married, which we are working on doing this week, it´ll be a very simple wedding, but then she can be baptized.  The other one is ready she just has a few of those little worries, she is ready she just dosen´t think so herself.

Oh and I forgot to tell you when I called that President Villarreal says hi.
¡Les amo!
Elder Durrant

Monday, December 23, 2013

Email 12/23/2013

Well this week has been fantastic.  We had the mission Christmas party this last week, and Pres. gave us all new scripture cases with our names on them and chocolate.  We each bought something for another missionary, I got socks and more chocolate, :) and we did some skits about the nativity, and I was Joseph.  We also sang a song in English "What Child is This". When we finished and headed for Fresnillo, because we meet together with the zone in Zacatacas, we got on a bus that was already full, so we crammed in and sang carols, it was awesome.  I have also seen miracles this week, one of them was that we managed to have 7 with a baptism day and they all came to church this week.  I don`t know why but we have been having a hard time getting our investigators in the CdeO (Casa de Oración or House of Prayer) lately, but this is the most we have had at one time here.  The other miracle is that I lost my bag with my scriptures in a bus in Fresnillo, we had already bought the tickets for Rio Grande when we realized so we called the DL, because it passes by his house. I didn`t hear anything from the zone leaders until about five,  because that's when they had time to go by where the bus stops for a time (they live close to it.) Well they told me it was in the first bus they asked.  I learned a valuable lesson about faith, I have a quote that says "faith and doubt cannot exist in the same person at the same time" I believe it`s from Pres. Monson. I had to take out all my doubts before I got a confirmation.  And it helped to help others, a new investigator had an experience a lot worse then a lost bag, so just remember that our trials aren`t just for us but to help others to.

Love you Lots and I will be talking to you a las tres en la tarde de navidad! (at three o'clock in the afternoon of Christmas!)
Elder Durrant

Monday, December 16, 2013

E-mail 12/16/2013

WOW!! Thanks everyone for your emails, oh and don´t forget to do the same for Daniel.
Well this week has been busy, we have none stop working, we have so many people to visit that we just don´t have time to visit everyone, then to top it off we had another meeting with Elder Ortiz (first or second counselor in the area Presidency) with new commitments for us, the way we work is changing, we are focusing more on working with the members and focusing more on the less actives.  We will now be treating the less actives like investigators, and the members have put together a list of less actives and friends of the church.  Rio Grande has put together a list of 207 names, the branch pres. has them and will work out a time to visit them with the person that gave the name, so we are just overflowing with work.  Elder Ortiz also told the Hermanas (sisters) to feed us more because we will be needing the energy.  But it hasn't been a problem, the Hermanas (sisters) here feed us a lot.  I think I am getting fat here, not really, I'm still skinny.  Well as for my comp. you maybe wondering what his name means, well it means smiley or smiling.  So it's not Elder Risueño but Elder Smiley.  Oh and we didn´t get those other two missionaries here this cambio (changes-transfers but Pres. told us this week we could start looking for a house, so we will be getting them this next cambio (changes-transfers)
Oh and if anyone is wondering there isn´t any snow down here, I heard it snowed it Zacatacas but just a little, I miss the stuff.
Y mi español está mejorando, todavía tengo mucho para aprender, pero sí puedo hablar suficiente para comunicar con personas, como en esta semana hablé con un conductor de taxi, hablé con él sin problemas y esfuerza.
(My Spanish is getting better, I still have a lot to learn, but yes I can talk enough to communicate with people.  Like this week I talked with a taxi driver,  I talked with him without any problems and without strain.)
When I call home Christmas I will be able to show you. If you want to talk to my comp I will need to translate, because he doesn"t know English.

Pues hasta la proxima semana (Well until next week)
Les amo! (Love you all)
Elder Durrant

Monday, December 9, 2013

E-mail 12/09/2013

Well, this week we have worked really hard.  Francisco drank this week after a month and four days, so we are going to try for another month, but his wife is just about ready to be baptized.  She has had some doubts, but Francisco has helped her though them,  Now she is going to bring their daughters to church.  They have already brought one, but they are going to try to bring the ones that are married.  We are also working with the husbands of some of the hermanas (sisters) in the branch.  We hope to help them have the opportunity to go through the temple as a family.  We had all of our converts (o sea, las almas que les pueden ayudar a tener gozo[ie, souls who can help them find joy]) in La Iglesia (church) this week.  And all, but one has been active in the church.  She still has her testimony, but she just has some things that she needs to work through.

Oh, and cambios (changes-transfers) came this week.  Elder Pazcka left for Aguascalientes and I am here with my new comp, Elder Risueño.  This is his last cambio (changes-transfers) in the mission, so that means I will be here for at least one more cambio (changes-transfers) after this one.  But that's all good, I like it here in Rio Grande.  But I have to tell you that there's one missionary in Fresnillo with the same time as me in the mission, but he has now been in three different areas in Fresnillo.  He started here and is still here.  He said his call really said " are called to the Fresnillo mission".  I'm happy to be in this area. 

Sorry I don't have much this week.  We've been doing a lot of hard work and we hope to start seeing the "fruits of our labors" start to ripen. 

Oh, and I hope you all know that I love you!!!
Elder Durrant

Monday, December 2, 2013

E-mail 12/02/2013


This week has been fantastic
Well I´m sure you´re wondering if I celebrated Thanksgiving, well I didn´t, but Christmas has already been in motion.  They decorate their houses too, the only think that we are missing is snow.  It got close this week, we had a cold wave come thorough, in fact the District Leader told us that their water tank froze (all the houses here has a big water tank on top of the house so if the water shuts off you won´t notice) well they couldn´t shower till about nine.  Well it wasn´t so bad for us, Fresnillo is colder then Río Grande. But unfortunately it didn´t snow, and it´s already hot again.
As for the work, well it has been slow this week because of the cold, but that doesn´t mean we didn´t do any.  We continue to work with Francisco, Saturday makes one month free of alcohol :) it has been amazing to see the difference in him, before he hardly paid attention to the lessons and was depressed, but now he is attentive and understands the lessons, he has even started to work again.  Well because of work we haven´t been able to visit him as much, so he asked to postpone the baptism, so we won´t be having it this week, but we are getting him ready. His wife Nieves is fantastic, I think she might just be baptized before him.  She even came to church without him, because he needed to work this Sunday to start off work.  She told us that he never wants to work on Sunday again, what happened is the place is in a rancho (ranch) close to Rio Grande but there wasn´t a bus going that way for some time so he had to walk and when he got home he was trembling, he told her that Heavenly Father was chastising him for working on Sunday.  We also talked to someone in one of those little stores because we were looking for something, he told us to come back and he would have it, when we came back we chatted with him and found out that the missionaries had visited him before, but he lost contact with them, so we are going to visit with him this week, his story is very interesting, so I will try to fill you in next week.

Love you all!!
Elder Durrant


Monday, November 25, 2013

E-mail 11/25/2013


Well this week has been awesome, we have been working extremely hard to complete our goals this week.   We have been working on having all our lecciones (lessons) with a member present. We just about completed our goal, but Saturday everything seem to keep us from completing our goal, all our investigators were busy with one thing or another.  It was about 7:00 pm when we just about gave up with our goal, then we decided to visit one of our investigators that we haven´t visited in a while, because he´s not always there when we visit, but he was this time and told us that he usually goes with friends at this time, but for some reason he stuck around the house when we came to visit.  The Lord sometimes gives us a hard day just to prepare us  for something special to come.
Something else that happened this week is we had the wife of the Francisco (who is trying to stop drinking) start to have lesson with us, she is very Católico, (Catholic) but she told us that she wanted to follow her husband.  We hope to baptize him in Dec and help her gain a testimony of the church, so he can baptize her afterward.
I love it here, I love the people and to be honest I don´t want to be changed from this area because I have worked so hard with these people, I want to see them baptized.

Love Elder Durrant

Monday, November 18, 2013

E-mail 11/18/2013

Sorry I didn`t write last week.
But this week has been filled with hard work.  We are working on having more members join us when we teach.  And we had ward conference this week, we only managed to get four investigators to go, but we had more success in less actives and future investigators, the place was packed, there was about 60-70 people there.  They have selected three possible places to put the chapel, so the excitement continues.  The investigator I have mentioned before with alcohol, Saturday makes two weeks clean, he just needs two more (and a whole life time).
The people here are amazing, we have about 15 investigators and about 6 possible people to teach.  We have been so packed that we don`t have time to visit all of them. But we have divided the area for December.   We thought it would be easy to divide it, but the Lord had a different idea. So we started off with a prayer, talked over it, then asked the Lord what he thought, when we didn`t feel anything we talked over it some more and then prayed again. We followed this pattern until we felt good, it took us about two hours to do it. My companion said ¨so this is what it`s like for the apostles when they make a new mission.  The Lord really is active in this work, we just need to work on being able to access this help.  At first I was really afraid of promising a blessing to people, but I have learned that the Lord has already promised this things.
We also had a seventy come and speak to the stake leaders and they invited the missionaries to join, Pres. Villarreal spoke too.  We are hoping for even more animo (encourage) with the members.  He invited the members to complete the commitment in General Conference to invite someone to hear the missionaries before Christmas. And he invited us to visit the members and teach them the Restoration, so the members could decide if we are worthy to teach their friends.  It was awesome!!

Love you all!!

Elder Durrant

Monday, November 4, 2013

E-Mail 11/04/2013

Dear familia,
Well this has been a very interesting week. First off me and my comp. have been speaking Spanish almost always ever since I got here. But it´s my responsibility to teach him English, so we decided to speak English in the house and Spanish outside. It was so funny because it wasn´t just Elder Paczka having a hard time. Well let´s just say it was harder then I thought to switch between languages. I would start to talk in English but then I would just automatically switch back to Spanish.  Well after speaking English a little bit again it came back to me, but it made me wonder if I was learning Spanish or English. It also makes me wonder what it will be like when I come home.

Well as for work here, well we have an investigator that we have had ever since I got here, (I´m pretty sure I mentioned him in my emails before) he is an alcoholic and he hasn´t been able to quite, so this week we decided to visit him every day.  So far it has been working, except for one day we were a little late because we were waiting for a member to join us, but then we found out that he couldn't, so we rushed over and on the way we found him sitting down with a drink.  Well he told us that he thought we weren´t going to come so he went for a walk and passed by a friend and he gave him a drink.  Luckily we found him before he drank a lot, so then he poured the rest out. but we hope it will be the last.

We have also been working with a less active member, when we visit him he always has an excuse and that we can come back another day, but when we come he just does the same thing, so we decided to just share a scripture at the door.  Well when we went to visit his son, but he wasn´t home and the father was, so when we asked him if we could visit with him, he said yes and during the lesion he was very attentive.  Well needless to say we left his house shocked. he still didn't come to church, but I have high hopes for him.
The other interesting thing to happen this week is well Halloween, all saints day and day of the dead.  Well my comp. said they celebrate Halloween in his city on the 31, but here they celebrate it on the 1 and 2 and rather then go to houses for candy they go to stores, so centro (center) was swarmed with little kids. It´s funny because we have Halloween because they have all saints day and day of the dead and they have Halloween because we do.  Well they still had their transitional stuff, they had some stuff setup in centro so I took some photos, but the computer dosen´t want to load the camera so maybe next week.
Love you all!!
Elder Durrant

Monday, October 28, 2013

E-mail 10/28/2013

Dear Familia,

Sorry I didn´t email last week, well just simply we didn´t have enough time. 
These last two weeks have been interesting, first a couple of weeks ago, (I think I already mentioned this part but I will do it again) well first to explain a little; here just about every one sells stuff, some people sell like stores in the US, others sell from their front door and others sell by driving around and honking or other noises and on bikes too.  Well my comp. bought something from one of the ones from a door and after he asked where were our meetings Sunday, and so we asked him if he wanted to hear more about the church and so that started our lessons with him, but on our second visit ( he had gone to church the Sunday before the second visit) after we finished the lesson he asked us what he need to do to be baptized, we had to restrain from jumping in the air for joy and we explained what he needed to do.
Well this week the cambios (changes) came and to our shock both me and Elder Paczka are still here, this will be our third cambio together and then the next cambio is when they will divide this area, so they will probably put one Elder with me in one area and another Elder with Elder Paczka in the other and we both might train because we will be receiving a lot of new missionaries this next cambio, so I will probably be here for 2-3 more cambios.

Love you all!
Elder Durrant

Monday, October 14, 2013

E-mail 10/14/2013


Sorry this will be a short one too, but this week has been awesome, we had four baptisms.  We combined with the hermanas (sisters) who had two baptisms, so six in total. I baptized two, it was a lot different this time, I felt the spirit this time.  And we had a priest in the branch baptize the other two.  This area is greatly blessed of the Lord, we get new investigators regularly, and we are beating a ward with attendance.  And we had interviews with the pres. of the mission and he said when they build the chapel I can go see it, because I will be in a different area by the time they start.

Well sorry for two short letters in a row but maybe next week will be better.
Love you all!
Elder Durrant

Monday, October 7, 2013

E-mail 10/07/2013


Well this week, me and my companion have worked a lot, we have received 6 new investigators in one day.  It has been an amazing week.  But as for General Conference, well it was a lot different then at home.  Well being missionaries we couldn´t watch in our house, but we watched it in the CdeO (church) and it was in Spanish.  Well I learned a few interesting things from watching in Spanish, first it´s not the same hearing it in a different voice and that Elder Scott speaks Spanish, they recorded his voice and then played it in Spanish during his talk.
Well this is kind of a short e-mail but I have to go.

Love you all
Elder Durrant

Monday, September 30, 2013

E-mail 09/30/2013

Well not much has happened this week, we had a zone meeting with the mission pres. Thursday.  The mission pres. wife chastised us about eating better and better hygiene, so me and my companion worked on buying better food. If you do it right, it costs about the same, amazing isn´t it.  Oh if you´re wondering how my language is coming, well if I compare it with another Elder here that has been here the same time in the mission as me, well he's already fluent, so that would put my Spanish at bad, but he learned some Spanish before the mission.  But after the meeting with the Mission pres. I was chatting with him and he asked how much time I had in the field, so I told him about four and a half months, he had a shocked look on his face and said that I spoke really well for such a short time.  Other then that it´s really hard to tell progress because it comes over time.  I can say I can speak Spanish, but it´s still a strain to say what I want.  Well for example I gave a talk in sacrament meeting this week about obra misional (missionary work) but when I asked a member if they understood what I said, well she said she understood a little, but part of the problem was their mic wasn´t made for someone tall, so it wasn´t picking up my voice really well and she had to deal with two of her boys. My companion said he understood the beginning but then stopped listening after about half way through, so he wasn´t much help. Maybe some of the people sitting in the front rows got something out of my talk.

I hope you all are exited for General Conference because I am, although I might not be able to watch it in English, maybe next time :(

I thought I might explain a little about the buses here.  So their are two different types of buses here, one is called a ''autobus'' but it is pronounced different then English, (just ask the missionary from Mexico how to say it).  And the other is ''camion''.  So a camion is a bus for a city, it just drives around picking up people, there´s no bus stops you just raise your hand as it passes by to get on, it costs seis pasos to ride (about 50 cents).  There's about 50 routes in Aguascalientes, here in Río Grande there are about 5 routes.  As for the Autobus, it is a bus I like a lot better, it goes though cities, so when their is a chance, we take these buses to get to our area, but since our meetings for the district and zone are in Fresnillo we have to take this bus to get there. It costs about 70 pesos to get to Fresnillo, but the seats are really nice, they are like the airplane seats that lean back, so I like to take this time to sleep, but when I can´t sleep I´ll read something, because it takes an hour to get to Fresnillo.

Love you all!
Elder Durrant

I asked him:
So are you in a city or a town?  Are you on foot or on a bike?

Well they call it a colony but I would say a city, I´d say it is about the size of Manti.
As for the bikes, well we talked with the zone leaders and they said that we could either have bikes or bring in another set of missionaries.  If we chose the bikes we still might not get them, so we chose to bring in more missionaries.  We are preparing the area and when the next changes comes in 4 weeks they will come too.

Monday, September 23, 2013

E-mail 09/23/2013


Well this week has been exiting, Rio Grande may be a small place but it´s never dull. We got like maybe three lessons in this week in total. Last Monday after I finished emailing, well I had no idea the adventure I was about to have that would affect the entire week and still is effecting us.
So last week I mentioned the rain we have been having. Well I didn´t think that much of it, so we headed to teach one of our recent converts, but before we started the lesson we got a text from the Elders Quorum Pres. asking for help, something about water in their house, so we hurried over to his house. Well as we got closer to his house the traffic got heavy loading with people, I thought it was because of the Independence party they were having that day. But as I started to see them loading more then just people but fridges, mattresses, and other stuff, I started to get an idea of what was going on, an evacuation. As we got closer and closer to his house, we saw water in the street about two inches, so we had to walk in it to get to the house. When we got to his house the water was up to our knees. Mexico has tall sidewalks but this was pushing it. So we helped him move as much as we could to the second floor and put the couches on stuff so they were up high. When we finished and headed out the water was up to our lower thighs. so we try to help as many people as possible do the same. After about two hours of this, with it raining hard, and it was dark out and the firefighters and police men had arrived, we decided to head home. We were completely soaked, all I had was my slacks and a short sleeved white shirt. We left our backpacks at a members house on the way, so they didn´t get soaked. It was sad to see peoples stuff be destroyed but I have to say it was good fun to help others.
We were sore the next day from trying to walk though waist deep water, but in the morning we left for Fresnillo for the district meeting, as we went though Centro, it´s calm in the morning, but there was an uneasy calm about this morning. As we got closer to the river we saw where all the people were taking pics of the river. The bridge is about two-three stories high, but their was about two feet above the water. It was flowing down a street further down the road. We have a pic of a basketball court covered in water about 3/4 of a mile away from the river. What happen in the part of the city with the flooding, is the water presser was so high that it, pushed up through the manholes, but it only took a couple days for the water to fall back down, and now the hard work has started. When we were over there last, they were spraying stuff to keep the mosquito population down, and they have pulled in military and the police from Fresnillo. Tomorrow all the missionaries in our zone are coming to have a service project.
Well the other exciting thing that happened this week is I got a call from the sec. to print out an email and sign it and get it sent to him that day. So we had to go to Fresnillo to get it to the zone leaders and then they would send it to the sec. Well as we were walking we talked to a member who was going to be passing Fresnillo so he offered us a ride, so we waited for him to finish what he was doing and then we headed off but then the car kept on turning off, well it was a rental so we rushed to the bus station. Well to make a long story short, after running and worrying we made it just in time for the zone leaders to send it that same day, the place that they sent it though closed the doors after we finish, that´s how close it was. The papers had to do with my visa so if I didn't get it sent I would be going to Texas for a little while till they could fix the problems.
So this has been an exiting week, but I´m still alive, oh and my house is on a hill so you don´t have to worry Mom.
Love you all!!
Elder Durrant

Here is the CdeO
(Casa de Oración or House of Prayer)
My house is right above my companions head

Monday, September 16, 2013

E-mail 09/16/2013

Well this week has been slow, their have been highlights like finding a scorpion, well actually an alacran (scorpion) in our house. It´s been raining here almost every day and it has force some of the more interesting animals/bugs out of their cubbys. We found a tarantula in the road, well as far as tarantula go it was a small one. Another interesting thing is, well when I first got here I saw a big area for a river and only a small flow of water, and because this place is called Rio Grande or big river and so I thought well that´s a small thing for a big river. But after all the rain it filled up about a fifth of the space, but a big storm hit yesterday, we had to cross about three small rivers on our way home and this morning when I saw the river it filled up all the base, but it still has high banks so we will see how big it will get. But other then that it was my companions birthday Saturday.

Well as for the baptisms last week what happened is, well we decided that it wasn´t necessary to cure our investigators of leprosy so we didn´t do it in the river. We went and talked to the owner of a water park to see if we could do it in the pool.  Every thing went fine I baptized Hna. Concepcion and my companion did the other two. I went first and well her knees came up out of the water so I had to do it again. Other then that everything went well finished up and left then a few hours later we were taking a quick bathroom break and when I got out of the bathroom my companion said that the baptisms aren´t valid.  I wasn´t sure if I heard him right so I said "what". So he said I raised the left hand and not the right, so I thought about which one I used and well it was one of those moments where you want to bang your head against the wall. Well we just paused for a moment just pondering how we could have made such a mistake, I did worked in the baptistry of the temple so it wasn´t the first time I did a baptism and it wasn´t just me, my companion did the same after me and no one else caught it, not even the witnesses. So after the moment of pondering we started to try and figure out what we could do. We called the branch president and explained what happened and he said that he had a meeting the next day in Fresnillo so we could just take them with and do it in a font. Well the next day when we got to the stake center and started to fill the font, well because the water turns off sometimes during the day and their wasn´t enough backup water to fill the font. So we started to think of what else we could do, then someone told use that they had a baptism the other day in another chapel and that it still had water. So we drove over there and most of the water leaked out but it had flowing water. So we just waited for it to fill. My companion just did all three and we made sure this time it was the right hand raised. So needless to say we won´t be making that mistake again.
Love you all!!

Elder Durrant

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

E-mail 09/10/2013

Well you may be wondering why I didn´t email yesterday. Well it´s because I was with the president all day.  My zone and the other zone in Zacatecas [sah-kah-te-kahs] went on a trip hosted by the president, to an Aztec fort.  But I don´t have time to email a lot, the president said to email only our families. So this week I´ll wright it down and send it. Plus I took about 260 photos, so their is no way I will send them all thorough email, but I´ll get them to you. It was amazing! Oh and we had two baptisms this week, oh and that is a story in of itself but not until next week.

Love you all

Monday, September 2, 2013

E-mail 09/02/2013


Sorry this will be a short one, but we should have two baptisms this week, a Hermana (Sister) who I am completely confident that she will stay active the rest of her life.  One time we taught her the law of tithing and she told us how she had already gained a testimony of paying tithing.  The other is the one we have been trying to get baptized ever since I got here, but for one reason or another it has been delayed.  He is pretty solid too.  Saturday night we planned on teaching him keeping the sabbath day holy, and he told us that he was behind on rent (he pays on a daily bases) and because of his health in the past couple of weeks, the land lord told him he had to pay Sunday or he had to leave.  So he said that he wouldn´t be able to make it to church because he had to work Sunday to make up the difference, so we asked him to have faith and the Lord would bless him, and there he was the next day, and he managed to stay.

Well this week has been an interesting experience, well with food that is.  First my companion told me that it was ok to drink a certain type of milk here, so I tried it, bad idea, two days later I was on the toilet, luckily it only lasted a couple of days. So I just give up on milk while I´m here, it´s just not worth the pain.

I also ate pig nose and pig intestine this week, you may ask how I did it, well the trick is, don´t ask what it is tell your done, it´s as simple as that.  For the most part you can´t really tell what it is, like the pig nose was chopped up and it actually tasted pretty good, but after words I was expecting to hear pig intestine, but he said pig nose and that´s when my stomach churned.

As for the word of the week. Oracion, it means prayer but it also means sentence, so that has been a bit of a confusion.

Love you all!
Elder Durrant

Monday, August 26, 2013

E-mail 08/26/2013


Well this week has been amazing. The Stake Pres. came to the CdeO this Sunday to see the progress, and there was 60 in attendance this week! We were so happy. So right now they're working on buying the lots on both sides and then they will start building. And to top it all off, all but one of our investigators were in attendance. The reason the one didn´t join us was because he was sick.

Also this week, me and my companion received a confirmation that God answers prayers. After praying for a week and a half, we got one of our Investigators back!

Last week I failed to mention that Elder Johnson, our Area Seventy, came and talked to us, it was awesome! But with it came some changes, so now our investigators have to go to church five times before they can be baptized, so now all our baptisms have been moved back, but that´s ok, it gives us more time to make sure they're ready.

As for what Elder Johnson talked about, well he did a lot of calling to repentance.  The majority of the talk was on the first principle in lesson one, God is our loving Heavenly Father, and how we should take more then five minutes to talk about it, and how if our investigators truly understood this principle, they would have an easier time understanding the rest, and that they wouldn´t go inactive after the missionary left.

So me and my companion have repented, we went back and taught it to all our investigators as one lesson and from now on we teach it the first lesson by it self for every new investigator.

Well for the word of the week, I have a funny story that happened last night.  So the greetings here are "buenos días", (good morning) "buenas tardes" (good afternoon) and "buenas noches" (good night). So buenos días is until noon and buenas tardes is until 6, but here it´s until it´s dark out. But the thing is, every time I say buenas noches, the person responds buenas tardes.  So last night I said buenas tardes and the person said buenas noches.  Then my companion got after me for saying buenas tardes.  So I told him that everyone always says buenas tardes.  So as we were walking home he said buenas noches to a few people and they all responded buenas noches.  So I said okay watch, this next person will say buenas tardes if I say buenas noches, and she did.  And so did four out of five of the people I said buenas noches to, on the way home.  So I was trying to figure out why they responded that way to me, and that´s when it hit me, I told my companion, oh it´s because I´m brilliant, they think it´s still light out.
I thought you might get a kick out of that.

Love You all!
Elder Durrant

Monday, August 12, 2013

E-mail 08/12/2013


Well this has been a great week. This area is fantastic, so I must have miss understood my companion last week, because there was way more then 20 members. We counted and their was 56 members there. W took a picture to send to Fresnillo (fres'nijo) to the Stake President, so they're going to start building a chapel here this year.  Right now we only have a casa de oración or house of prayer.  It´s actually a three story building and working on extending the base floor; where the sacrament is, because it was packed Sunday, kids were sitting on the parents laps and a few of us had to stand.  We had cake after the block to celebrate.
We had all our investigators there, well that I know of.  We have a baptism next week, and if I understood right, he is being baptized in the river, so that will be interesting. 

We are teaching a family that lives close to the CdeO, so it was easy to get them to go to church.  Some time this week we got a reference from the old Pres. of the Rama (branch).  He has been in too many different churches and sometime along the way started to drink. So now he want to stop, so we have been helping him with that.

We´ve also been working with the less active members, because thier´s about 20 of them, but it hasn´t yielded as good of results.  Most have moved or we couldn't find their address.  We did manage to contact one, but she´s been going to another church. She knows that the church is true, but she goes to the other because she knows more people.

Well I know enough Spanish to communicate with my companion and teach, but some times he has to clarify what I said.  But my companion is determined to have me speaking Spanish fluently by the end of this change.

The word for this week is "asistir", at first glance I would guess "to assist" or to help, but no that´s not what it means.  It means to "attend".  This word has really messed with my head, so if I ever say "we had such and such members assist church" I really mean "we had such and such attend church"  

Love You all and take care
   Elder Durrant

This is a pic of the mission office and my old chapel
New friend

Monday, August 5, 2013

E-mail 08/05/2013

Sorry this will be another short one.
But this week has been interesting, I found out I can´t eat milk products or junk food (well I shouldn´t anyway) I need to eat apples and drink more water.  Well what happened is, I was in the offices and their was three mission doctors, I didn´t talk to them. But after they left another missionary tattle on me to the Mission Pres. wife. that I had diarrhea and so she got after me for not saying something while the doctors were there. But then she gave me that list I mentioned.
We took Elder Diaz to the Mission home (it´s big) and so he is home by now.  Soon after we got the call for transfers...........I got changed, I am no longer in Aguescalientes, right now I am in Fresnillo, it took four hours on bus to get here, and I´m still not to my area, I am staying the night with the Elders here and then tomorrow we will have our district meeting, then we go to our area in Rio Grande, which is an hour from here.  From what I know it is a Rancho, which means it´s not big enough to be a city.  Their is only a branch there with about 20-30 members, so this has been an interesting change.  From a ward of 120ish members to 20-30 member branch.  My companion is working on getting bikes for this area, but for now we will have to do a lot of walking.
So that´s this week, nothing interesting at all. ;)
Love Ya Elder Durrant

Monday, July 29, 2013

E-mail 07-29-2013


Well this week has been really good. First thing is Tuesday is our District meeting and I taught the lesson, they said I did good but I´m not sure if they just don´t want to tell me.  And then we had interviews with the president this week.  First time I´ve talked to the new president, and while we were waiting I talked with the presidents wife.  Found out that they leaved in Arizona and own a company there.  She doesn´t speak English, but the president speaks only a little.  So that can give you an idea of how my Spanish is coming.  I can answer the phone, but sometimes I just hand it over to my companion.  I´m teaching more and more in the lessons.  We had one of our past investigators come to church and we didn´t even talk her into it, she just came on her own.  We were pleasantly surprised. ;)   And we also got a new investigating family.  The problem is they're from Brazil, so they will speak Portuguese some times.  But they are amazing, during the first lesson she answered all the questions spot on.  Like she was talking from the pamphlet, but she didn´t have it and she said this is what I believe.  The only problem is their Sundays for the next three weeks are full. :(  Oh and this week since our house is the hotel as the other missionaries call it, we have had a few Elders and one of them is staying with us until the changes and then he goes home.  I love to just listen to the way he teaches, he teaches in such a way it keeps the investigators interested.   And from what I´ve heard, there are eleven missionaries coming this next week so some of them will be in our house. so next week will be interesting.  Oh and to add to the list, this is my last week of training. so we will see who stays and who goes this week.

The word for this week (or phrase) is "llegar a ser".   I love this one and I will explain why.  It means "to become" Spanish has a few words for become, like estar and ser but they imply an immediate change, like emotion, but "llegar a ser" implies an effort on the persons part, like a career.  The literal meaning of the words are "to arrive to be" So when we want to say "become like God" we say "llegar a ser como Dios"

And a little information about Mexico, the people here are happy, but they never smile in pictures.  It´s like when we see a camera we smile, well as soon as they see a camera, they stop smiling.  It´s just what they do, I haven´t figured out why.  I have made a few guesses, but I have seen a few where they couldn't help but smile, like wedding pics or when you poke them in the side.

Love Elder Durrant

Monday, July 22, 2013

E-mail 07-22-2013


Sorry this might be a short one. I don`t have a lot of time left. But this week has it`s ups and downs. But we got two new investigators this week.  It`s kinda a funny story how.  So my companion had to go to a meeting, but we had an appointment with an investigator, so Elder Condie went with me. We did the lesson in a members business and she invited two people to come and listen.  But the unfortunate thing is we where teaching the law of chastity, so you can imagine how I was feeling. Another thing that just added to the pressure, one was a 20 and a guy, another was a girl and 20 too, the other was a 39 year old man.  He didn`t participate, just sat off to the side and listened. But the member helped a lot, by translating anything that didn`t make sense to them.  The best part is she still wanted to know more after the lesson, my companion even asked her some questions to see if she understood it, and she did.  I talk to the other guy after the lesson and he said he had six kids and so I told him the importance of families in our message and how the law of chastity was to help families. So I managed to get his information, but we haven`t been able to visit him yet.  Just because we can only do it at certain times, so yea that was my first full lesson or at least without my companion being there. I don`t know if he thought it would be funny to have me try to teach the law of chastity, but it sure took a miracle to get me through it.
Spanish word = Alma sounds the same but it means soul so in Spanish we have to specify when we are talking about the book of Alma.

Love You All Elder Durrant

Monday, July 15, 2013

E-mail 07-15-2013

Wow this has been a week! I`m not even sure where it went, it feels like yesterday I was just emailing.  Well Samuel if your wondering what I did on your birthday, well a lot of sitting around. We have our district meetings on Tuesday mornings and that lasts from 10 to 2, then we go to a members house for food then we went to the hermana`s house to be with them while someone came and fixed their water, because my companion is the DL.  It was suppose to be for only an hour or two, but we wound-up going straight home afterwards and he still didn`t finish.  Then the next day we did a lot of walking because the bus routes have been temperately changed, because a carnival came to town.  Actually I think it might be an annual thing, but it`ll be here throughout this whole next week, so it`ll be interesting.  Then the next day we went early in the morning to the Hermana`s house again, and we studied while the guy worked. Once again it was supposed to be only till noon but we didn`t leave the house till 5:30 then the next day we actually got a fair amount of work in. We were looking for old investigators, because, with our area split in thirds we lost some of our investigators, so we have to find some more now.  I also was able to do my first successful contact.  We were asking for directions to this one house from a lady carrying two five gallon buckets full of garbage to the dumpster.  Something about Mexico, is each house doesn`t have garbage cans, it just has dumpsters placed in areas.  So while my companion asked for directions and also contacted her.  I took the buckets to the garbage can. Someone driving by stopped to thank me for my service, he spoke enough English that we could talk.  He said that he has read about the Mormons and the missionaries, so I asked him if he wanted to know more.  At first he said no, but when I asked if he knew anyone we could talk to he gave us his address. Then the next day I went on splits with one of the sec. my companion went with the other in their area, so they could get to know it better, so I had to lead in our area, that was tough.  It was with other elder that Elder Osorio trained, but he speaks English, so that wasn`t so bad.  But at one point we made a wrong turn and had to walk cut though the housing areas to get to our destination.  Then Sunday while the district leaders and the zone leaders meet, they had me and Elder Condie who is one transfer behind me, go and contact ten people. It was rough, but some how we managed to get four people out of it.

love you all Elder Durrant

Monday, July 8, 2013

E-mail 07-08-2013

Well this week has kind of been slow, so I will explain some stuff that has happened in the previous weeks, so there might be some repeat. So my new house, me and my companion get all to ourselves and the assistants and the secretaries live in another house.  What our house is for, so when new missionaries are coming or old missionaries are leaving they stay with the assistants. but if their are more then eight they come and stay with us, so our house is the overflow.  Our area has been split three ways the assistants get one area and the secretaries get the other.  But the funny thing is the secretaries live with the assistants in their area and we live in the secretaries area.  Unfortunately we got the farthest area away.  To give you an idea, we have to take two buses just to get to our area.  The first bus gets us close to the chapel which is 2 1/2 miles and then the second takes us to our area, which is another 5 1/2 miles, then we walk a lot.  There are some areas that have bikes, but there´s only four of them (the secretaries guessed that my new area would be one with a bike.) So we try to start heading home about 8, and we might get home by 9, because the buses should come every 20 minutes, but they don´t always, in fact they never do.  Once we waited an hour for the bus.

Elder Durrant

Monday, July 1, 2013

E-mail 07-01-2013


Well I haven`t had time to finish the story, I'm building up so much anticipation that when you finally get it, you will be like. What! that`s it?
But as for these week, well it bugged me and I`ll tell you why.
First it started when I found dos cucarachas (two cockroaches) in the downstairs bathroom.  I just closed the door, because I really didn`t want to climb into a tight space and try to kill them.  But Tuesday morning I was picking out a tie to wear, I picked one up and for some reason it felt a little heavier, but I went a head to put it on, and while I did that a cucaracha fell to the floor, then scurried off into the closet.  So I had to pull out all the stuff in the closet. then it ran under my bed, under my luggage. I was finally able to get it with my shoe and I thought it was dead, so I went and got the dust pan and broom, but when I came back it was gone.  It went under my luggage again, but it was easier to get this time, because it was injured, those things are fast!  Then I swept it up and though it outside for the birds.  So it took me about 20 minutes to kill the thing, then I killed the other one in the bathroom. Then a couple days later we were moving our gas to the new house, so we could have hot showers again. :)
Well we did that, someone warned me about black widow in the bottom of the gas tank.  The gas tank was heavy, when we bought it, one guy cared it in, he made it look light.  But it took two of us to carry it.  After that, I checked the bathroom again for cucarachas, and there was a black widow in there. It hide under the tank, so we tried to flush it out with water, but the next day it was still there.  I hit it with water before it could hide, I even got a picture of it before we finished it.  Then I taped the window so no more bugs could get in. I had a feeling to check inside the tank, and sure enough there was another cucaracha.  I`m not sure I`m ready to use that bathroom yet.  To top it off I got 20 mosquito bites in one night, I itched so bad I woke up in the middle of the night. So the next  day I bought this thing that plugs into the wall, it keeps them away, and it worked, yes!
Well the new president came this week and I got to meet him Sunday, because he came to church. My area got split three ways, I don`t have any more time, so I will explain more later.

Elder Durrant

Monday, June 24, 2013

E-mail 06/24/2013

Wow this week has been busy! I started to write out the airport story, but didn't finish. so maybe next week. as for this week, first thing was Tuesday. I was blessed with the interpretation of tongues, I was able to understand what was going on, I didn´t understand completely, just enough to understand what was going on. I was able to teach and ask questions and understand what they were saying, so I could respond to them, but then the next day I had a harder time understanding people.  Friday we spent the afternoon with the mission pres. and his family.  They gave talks and if I understood right, one of their daughters got her call.  Then we got some pics with them and they gave us a temple recommend holder with a message from them and the pic of the temple assigned to this area and they gave us a pic of them with their contact info.  Then me and my companion went with the mission pres. to work out the paper work for our new house.  We didn't get home till 11, but I guess it was alright since we were with the pres. then for Saturday morning we went to go see the new house.  It's about twice the size of the old house and it has one of the biggest backyards I've seen here!  It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs and a main room, kitchen, office room and a half bath downstairs.  The thing is, two other sets of missionaries are moving in with us.  We also found out our area is being split into thirds.  Well we spent most of the day packing and moving the stuff to the new house.  We moved only about two miles away,  the mission per-authorized us to borrow one of the members trucks.  It was in the zone leaders area, so they brought it over and helped us move.  We took turns driving, but I didn't dare to, but when my companion drove, well lets just say I appreciate the taxi drivers more.  I was glad when we were done, I never want to get in that truck again.  Then we helped some other missionaries with an activity of the tree of life, where we blindfolded a bunch of people and lead them out side where we tied a string to chairs and they had to make their way to the right side, and we divided into two groups.  One set tried to lead them away and the other tried to lead them to it.  It was very difficult.  I lead this one girl to the rope 5 times and she left it every time.  Then  Sunday we helped with a baptism and then waited for the call for changes.  Every companionship changed except for mine.  Even the hermana (sister)  who was training a hermana that came the day before me, was changed to the sister training leader.  Two hermanas are coming in, that is training another Hermana, so now she has to train two Hermanas. And I found out that one of the sets of missionaries that are moving in with us are the assistants to the pres., so I get to live with the assistants.  But me and my companion get Jesus Maria 1 and they get Jesus Maria 2, we don´t know who is going to Jesus Maria 3 yet.  And then we watched the broadcast for mission presidents, I was able to watch it in English.  It was awesome!!  And then we took pictures with the zone.  As for today we have been cleaning up the house.  It´s amazing how much junk missionaries collect over the years!  And while I´m writing this to you a storm hit and it´s raining really hard. I actually heard a docent boom from the thunder.
love Elder Durrant

      Que Dios le acompañe  (God be with you)

Monday, June 17, 2013

E-mail 06/17/2013

He took pictures of his letter and sent them to us to translate; unfortunately, like the Bible, pages were missing, so it is an incomplete translation.


Well the past two weeks have been an adventure; so I will go over that this week. Because multiple people have asked about part 2 of the airplane, I will try to go over that one next week and because there really wasn't that much more to it, I will put more detail into it.

Well as for two weeks ago, the reason I didn't e-mail was because I was skyping my family (for those of you who didn't know) and for those who were there, some of this might be a repeat. But after that I found out that I would be going on splits with the other district leaders companion, because the zone leaders and the district leaders were going to Leon for a meeting. Oh and my companion is the other district leader. We made the exchange on Tuesday night. I went over to their place and stayed the night and spent the day working in their area. It was a tough day, the first reason, … (page not sent)
then I would say, roller coaster, because the buses, they bounce up and down, side to side sometimes you feel like you going to die, and they even do loops.......around the city. Most of the time I have to sit sideways and if I'm not careful while standing, when the bus bounces I could hit my head. I've actually hit my head against the hand bars a few times. You also have to be careful when getting on and off. Because they are very anxious to get going. Once I got off about five feet from where my companion got off. As for the taxis, they're actually not as crazy of drivers then all the rest of the people on the road. But what makes a good taxi is when my head doesn't touch the ceiling and my knees aren't slammed against the dashboard.

Other things that have happened, is Monday when we got home and started to clean … (page not sent)
the other thing to happen this week was a storm hit. There was so much lightning that I could barely count to two when another would strike. It was kind of like a light show. The weird thing is I didn't hear any thunder. But it flooded part of the road. So that was kind of scary. But when we got home we forgot to close one of the windows so the next morning it flooded one of the rooms and it seeped into the bathroom. So you can image my surprise when I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and I hear splash splash. My first thought was “crap, I hope this isn't toilet water” but then I flipped the light on and it was clean water. But we spent most of that morning cleaning it out. There was about a quarter of an inch. But luckily nothing was damaged. So that was a few interesting things this week.

Elder Durrant

Que Dios le acompañe
(God be with you)

This is when Elder Christoffersen came

Monday, June 10, 2013

E-mail 06/10/2013 Pictures

David didn't write a letter this week, he just sent pictures, so here they are.  Enjoy.
So the one in the middle trained the two next to him and Osorio trained the one on the far right, and then he's training me.

My first baptism, well while I was in the area. It was on the first Sunday I was here.

This was my second baptism. I actually don’t know her name, couldn’t figure it out.
it was on the second Saturday here.

This was a primary activity they had us help with.

Here is some food I bought the other day. This is the first time I have seen a regular sized tortilla! and it tasted like I expected it to. Oh and that’s a burrito here and the sandwich is called a torta.

 I ate a jalapeno, yea it was easy in a torta.

Here is some of the food I bought. The juice stuff is what the people give us 
when we visit, only in different flavors.

k so the story behind this one is, I was visiting one of the Elders houses 
and I went into the bathroom, closed the door and saw this on the door.

You asked me for a pic of the buses, so I tried to get a pic of the inside, but it was bouncing 
around so much that it took me ten tries to get it, so I hope your happy with it, 
the second one is a pic of the button we have to push to get off.

Here’s a few of the tries, now the thing. all the buses here are different.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

E-mail 06/03/2013

We had quite the surprise this week for David's e-mail. Here is what happened in Matthew's words.

It all started when the E-mail system beeped, early in the day, to notify that a message was received. Upon opening and reading the message the first line was disconcerting. It read “I can’t be on long.” Not the words that want to be read right to start with. Reading further the message became clearer. It was from our soldier of God in the battlefield. The message was brief, yet straightforward: "I'll call via Skype at 1300 hours." Anxious about what the reasoning for calling might be, other sources were called upon to decipher the strange message from this brave young soldier. Could he be injured, or sick, surely rebellion was not the reason. Puzzled and confused the allies gathered their forces together to await the soon to be delivered message that might change the course of the war, if nothing else the allies at home.

1300 hours arrived; the familiar sound of the Skype ring was heard. Shouts were made that the brave soldier was on the screen. A beautiful sight to see the fresh troop sitting in his barracks, the signs that he'd been engaged in battle filled his eyes. Joyous glances were exchanged, but wait, we could see him, but he was unable to see our image. Our technician went to work and shortly our image was relayed to his screen.

Finally the triumphant moment had come. What would he say? What important message had he to deliver? "Happy Mother's Day!" The wonderful words came from the lips of the young warrior to his dear sweet mother. "The general," he explained "saw it fit for those faithful troops who were belated in boot camp, so as to not be able to call their dear mothers on that blessed day, he ordered us to call and wish our mothers a Happy Mother's Day." He gladly followed this command with exactness. The next hour was spent in sweet reminiscence. He spoke of his adventures, his battle buddies, his success, and his trials; he spoke of the culture and the exotic food, the wonderful people, and his learning of their language.

Alas his hour had come; he must return to his post and perform his duties. Many people relied on him. The sorrow of parting was swallowed up in the joy of another reunion in six months time. What adventures will this young soldier have in that time? What new stories will he have to tell? We will find out when the snow falls on the ground and music of the Savior's birth fills the air. May the Spirit be with you!

Monday, May 27, 2013

E-mail 05/27/2013

Sorry my email was so short last week, had to cut things short for a meeting.
But Mexico is not that different, it seems a little run down, but that´s because no one wants to work out side, but the inside of houses aren´t that much different.   I´m not sure what you want to know, so email any questions you have, but keep in mind there are some questions I can´t answer as a missionary.  The people aren´t that different, of course I don´t understand most of them, but everyone here either knows or is learning English, which surprised me. But my coming to this area has spurred people to learn more, so they can communicate with me. 

I am currently in the Jesus Maria area of Aguascalientes City and the rumors are true.  The mission is splitting at the end of my first transfer, so unless something out of the ordinary happens then I will be in the Aguascalientes Mission.  In fact the new mission office is in my area.  So in four weeks the address for my mission is changing, but until then it´ll be the Leon Mission.  

My companion is Elder Osorio, he understands English, just doesn´t speak any of it, so most of the time I´m just nodding my head and saying okay, and just follow along.  Now that it´s been two weeks I´m starting to understand him, but I only get the basics.  Elder Christoffersen came last week and spoke to us, don´t ask me what he said (he speaks fluent Spanish) but we took a picture with him as a whole mission and then got to shake his hand, tell him our name, and tell him where we are from.  When I did it, he told me he´s from Sandy.  Me and three other elders came to Leon from my district, Elder Mickelsen will be in the other mission and the rest will be in the Aguascalientes Mission.  In fact Elder Rice is in the zone next to mine, there are two zones in the AC city and we got together today and played soccer.  

Well I guess what you are probably wondering is what the food is like down here, well first off it´s nothing like Taco Bell (but you already knew that).  At first it was a shock to the system, but I´m starting to like it.   I was shocked to find that they had sweet in their vocabulary, but I think it´s a foreign concept.   It´s actually really good, but the grossest thing I´ve tasted here, a member here has an Herbalife shop and  she gives us some all the time, have I ever told you how much I hate artificial health food!  But the only thing that comperes is, well I didn´t know what it was at the time, but it felt like I was eating rubber. (Mom should probably stop listening at this point).  It was pig skin, it doesn´t taste that bad, it just doesn´t feel right.  The hard part isn´t eating the food it´s smiling while eating it.   Oh I was so thankful, the members take turns feeding us for lunch and Friday the brother that feed us, took us to Carl´s Jr and bought us two each, one for now and one for later.  Oh it felt so good to eat something normal.  
And yes I got Montezuma's revenge it hit about Friday. it was horrible.  I think it´s past, for now. 
One of the things I´ve had a hard time adjusting to is hugging, yes you heard right, hugging. First they shake hands starting from the bird and then sliding into a hand shake and then they hug with the head bent to your right shoulder, pat the back twice and then shake hands again.  It took me three try´s to get it right.  On the second try, I smacked faces with another elder.   Well let´s just say I haven´t lived that one down yet.
Well last week while I was reading your letter, I was shocked to hear that Dad is in the YM. Even if it´s just the secretary, (they're just easing him into the president :p )
Love Elder Durrant

Que Dios le acompoñie

Monday, May 20, 2013

E-mail 05/20/2013

Wow has this been a week and I am still alive, so far.  You are probably wondering what happened to me after I got off the phone. Well I got on the plan like five minutes after and I slept though most of it.  We landed and had to fill out some paper work, and then we were picked up by the 2nd counselor of the stake presidency in that area.  I found out that I really don´t want to drive down here, everyone is super aggressive. Well unfortunately I don´t have enough time to finish explaining maybe next week.
                Love Elder Durrant

I´ll send a letter this week, but I don´t know how long it will take to get to you.

Monday, May 13, 2013

E-mail 05/13/2013

Sorry this email is going out so late. Today has been sooooo busy. Two Elders have already left this morning and the rest of us leave tomorrow at 5 in the morning, so I will either be calling at 7 or noon in Dallas Texas time.  Most likely the first and I get about 40 minutes.  I will be using a prepaid phone card, so I will call you with quarters first to make sure your there, then call back with the phone card.  A lot has happened and I can't remember most of it, but on my way over to email you, I saw Pres. and Sister Nally (Pres. of the MTC) and we chatted for a little while. Spanish is going well, and when you start to think your doing pretty good, then they ship yea out to the real thing.

WOW! I can't believe I'm going to Mexico tomorrow.  I'm so excitado! (excited)  And boy did I pick the wrong time to be in the MTC, three birthdays and Mother's Day, can't you guys give me a break!        Chiste! (joke)  plus one is in eight days and I will be out of the MTC by then. Oh, and Mom, happy Mother's Day.  I got to bless the sacrament yesterday, it was amazing. And for sacrament meeting they pick random Missionaries to talk, so every one had to prepare a talk in Spanish and claro they call me. I didn't think it was that good, but everyone else (that understood it) said it was good. It was suppose to be five minutes, but I think I only took about three. well I can't think of anymore to write, but if you have any questions I'll be talking to you tomorrow, so write them down.

Oh and yes I do have my visa, I'm fling out to Dallas, then to Leon. Oh and por supuesto (of course)  I was made the travel leader, the only one who hasn't been on an airplane.
                        Les amo  (I love you)
                                         Elder Durrant
                                                       p.s. Que Dios le acompañe  (God be with you)

Branch Presidency 
Elder Durrant, Brother and Sister MacDonald
First Counselor

Sister and President Wing, Elder Durrant
Sister and Brother Price, Elder Durrant
2nd Counselor